Chapter Fourteen

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*Elizabeth's POV*

My mind started regaining conciousness, and I could feel myself on an unknown bed for what seemed the hundreth time. Wait... Why did I think that? Have I woken up in strange beds before? Hm.... My mind was already confusing me. I searched my few memories, but didn't come up with anything. I could only remember waking up in the big palace. Weird...

My mind was fully awake now. Hah! Who needs an alarm clock? ....Wait, what? What is an alarm clock? Where did that thought come from?

I decided to just focus on where I was rather than the baffling thoughts that popped up in my mind. Opening my eyes, I saw a tan ceiling with an interesting pattern of swirls.

I felt that the bed had a weight beside me, so I turned over on my side, and almost screamed. There was a guy in the bed with me! Panic started to fill my mind, but I stopped my thoughts. He was alseep, whoever he was! He didnt have any blankets on him, as I did, and he was.... shirtless. My eyebrows shot up, and a familar feeling came to me, but I ignored it. The young man was asleep, and had a huge scar that covered half his face and one of his eyes. He had black hair that was ruffled from sleeping, and he was wearing some black pants. My eyes travelled down to his bare torso, to his lean body. He had muscles but wasn't super bulky. He was quite handsome...I felt heat rising to my face as I realized I was checking out this random hot dude who I didn't even know who happened to be laying in a bed with me in a place I didn't even know!

"Well, good morning." the guy spoke, making me leap back and fall off the bed. The guy chuckled, peeking over the side of the bed and raise his eyebrow in amusement. His happy expression seemed to fade as he picked up on my bewildered expression.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"N-no..." I stuttered, shaking my head.

The guy sighed, running a hand through his hair attractively. I stared for a moment, and when he didn't speak, I did.

"Care to introduce yourself, attractive guy?" I blurted the last part, making my cheeks redden in embarrassment. I didn't mean to say that!

I saw amusement flash through his eyes, but he returned to being serious, then sighed again. He arose from the bed, and I stood up slowly, watching him.

"That's just it." He sighed again, pacing. "I shouldn't have to!" He started to sound angry, and I shrunk back. Was he going to hurt me or something? He looked pretty mad. But why?

He suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking toards the door. I was about to ask what was wrong, but then I heard some people approaching. The voices became louder and louder, and then the door just opened on its own!

"Hey, you guys in- ohh." Another teenage boy entered, along with two girls and another boy. There seemed to be some communication through eye contact as they all looked between me, the hot guy, and the bed.

"Ummm.... Have we interrupted something?" the teenage boy asked awkwardly. The hot guy's face reddened noticably.

"NO! What the-! Of course not!" the hot guy glanced between me and them with his mouth hanging open, his face beet red.

*Zuko's POV*

I looked at Elizabeth, then Sokka, with heat rising to my face. I couldn't believe Sokka just suggested that!

"NO! What the-! Of course not!" I yelled, glancing frantically around.

"Then what...?" Katara furrowed her eyebrows and shaking her head.

"Nothing at all! I brought her down this hall after she went unconcious, and this door swung open, and so I put her on the bed and eventually fell alseep here myself. That's it." I shook my head, trying to explain without being awkward. "How's Armelle?" I changed the subject. I really hoped Armelle would be up and about as soon as possible. She still needed to get her fancy book and bring Elizabeth's memory back! Passing out wasn't part of the plan!

"Well, she's concious, but very weak. I don't think she'll be able to get out of bed for a little while. I need to nuture her back to health." Katara replied.

Elizabeth interrupted, stepping closer to us. "Hey, people! What are you all talking about? Where am I? Who the heck are you? What's happening?"

We all shared looks with each other, saying nothing. What were we supposed to do until Armelle was able to help her?

"Well? Why are you all not answering now?" She crossed her arms, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Uh, let's leave that to Zuko," Sokka said. Everyone nodded in agreement, not wanting to explain things themselves.

"What? Guys, come on!" I yelled as they filed out of the room, ignoring me and shutting the door. I facepalmed, then turned back to Elizabeth, who had her hand on her hip and was looking at me expectantly. She was wearing a red and black dress, an unusual Fire Nation style. In fact, I didn't even think it was Fire Nation. Maybe it was from her world... Anyway, the dress looked very good on her, and I had to avert my eyes to prevent gawking at her. It curved along her figure nicely, almost too nicely....

I awkwardly cleared my throat, turning my gaze to the wall. How was I to explain everything? How was I to convince her? She was stubborn!

"Well?" She spoke, urging me on. Here we go...

"What do you know about yourself?" I asked.

She looked stumped, then unsure. "Uh.... Well.... I..." she looked down at the ground, pretty much giving me her answer.

"Your name is Elizabeth." She furrowed her eyebrows, then shook her head, falling to her knees. Was she remembering or something?



....I think I have been reading too much of those chic flicks or popular teenager stories or whatever you call them on here.... Heh. Sorry.

I have decided to update every Friday! But I'm posting this a day early since tomorrow I have a busy day and I don't think I'll have time to post it and even if I do I might forget to dedicate it to the person! The person who questioned the Purple Duck thing! Hehehehehe.

Bleh. My tummy really hurts... And I'm tired. And I have a super busy day of silly service thing and then I have to go right to Philadelphia for a softball game and it just so happens to be that time of the month(late, I know) and... just ugh. sigh. I don't wannnnnaaaa!

And I'm kind of crazy and weird... mood swings and weirdness. Hehehehehe. Shirtless guys. Heheehhehehe.

Okay, I shall stop ranting before I go on! Byyyeee!


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