Chapter Four

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2 days before the wedding
1 day before the wedding
Less than 24 hours

Final preparations were being made, cake was in progress food starting to be prepared, last minute alterations to wedding outfits, everything was in order, apart from the grooms themselves

See, both Dream's and Techno's love languages were touch, so not being able to just walk up to each other for even the smallest things such as a hug or smol forehead kisses was torturous for the both of them. They both became rather distressed and so noticing this Dadza, Wilbur and came to Techno with a compromise

"So... you and Dream... will be allowed to spend some time together before the wedding. I understand that you are both young and have desires but please... keep your hands to yourself."

Techno looked up in slight surprise with a small grateful smile on his face

Phil sighed and smiled."We have arranged for you to have a picnic near the back gardens in the flower field. You will be left alone with no interruptions but there will be someone around to from time to time to make sure you don't try anything, clear?"

Techno nodded almost meekly and then left to go eagerly tell his lover


It was a sight to behold, the clear blue sky was starting to set and the two lovers sat side by side occasionally feeding each other food. They were picture perfect, sitting together, hand in hand, wind blowing slightly against their skin. The sky was starting to become swirls of purple, pink an orange but still with blue overriding them all. The atmosphere was relaxed yet you could tell there was tension still in the air

Dream was feeling restless, he was thinking about the next couple hours come, he was to be a married man to the most beautiful person in his eyes. Techo was perfect. Soft pink hair, with a strong jawline and soft lips. Pink cheeks with porcelain like skin. He couldn't resist as he whispered something in technos ear which made him blush.

"How you'll you feel about us making love here? Perhaps now... or if not, tomorrow?'

Techno groaned as he could feel himself hardening at the thought. The thought of being somewhere so public, where anyone could catch them...

Dream pulled him over to a crafting table nearby just to of view from all eyes. He pushed Techno down and then kneeled in front of him between his legs pushing them open

Techno looked down at dream with lust starting to form in his eyes as dream began to open his pants. Dream moaned at the sight and pulled Technos dick his hand looking up slyly into Techno's eyes. He could feel the lust and wanton radiating from the others body.

Dream wrapped his hand round the bace of technos impressive length and started stroking from the bottom up. He stuck his tongue out experimentally to lick the tip lapping up Techno's pre-cum

"Mmmmm... Dream.."

Dream could feel himself become more aroused as Techno moaned his name.

"Do you like me like this? On my knees, sucking you off? Looking submissive and pretty?"

Dream smirked, he knew what he was done to Techno. Pressing his lips to the tip of the length and started to slowly suck. Dream meet technos gaze as he started to down swirling his tongue around a couple times. Techno groaned in pure pleasure as dream took it all in.

"You look like such a slut. On your knees, doing all of this for me...," Techno looked at Dream with clear intent in his eyes,"Look at your face, so flushed and your pretty lips wrapped around me, you look so adorable, so cute, so very, very much mine."

Dream moaned at Technos words and started to rub himself through his pants, he couldn't resist the temptation any longer

"Look at yourself. What should your friends say if they saw you like this? Rubbing yourself while whoring yourself out to me. You're at my feet, my command, i bet you would do anything if i asked"

Dream took his mouth of Techno's dick and pulled himself out and started to jerk himself off. Techno pulled dream up onto his lap for a kiss and started to rub their crotches together. Sparks flew everywhere as tongues intertwined. Hands started to wander as Techno slipped his hands onto dreams ass. Moans filled the once quiet atmosphere as they severed tradition, not having a care for rules as they were lost in their own world

Techno began to suck on dreams neck and jaw as he could feel himself coming close to the edge

"I cant wait until I'm buried deep inside of you, then, only will know what it is like to be completely mine, forever."

"Tech-ahmmh-Techno... I can't,I need-"

"What do you need? Tell me, go on tell me what you need, what you desire"

"I need you to-to touch me... to make me yours"

"Good boy"

Techno wrapped his hand around Dream as he reached his climax. He saw utter bliss as he came with a loud moan. Techno followed not long after...

They road out the final waves of pleasure together as the final edges of the sun disappeared into the distance

Techno brushed a piece of hair behind dreams ear.

"You're so beautiful"

Their lips connected in a soft kiss


Rip. It's 3 in the morning and i lost my glasses with 5% on my device left. Hope his wont disappoint lmao. Probably add a short filler chapter? Ehhhhh
775 words

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