One Shot: Nick Massi X Reader (Jersey Boys)

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The bright, hot stage lights flickered off and the whole building was draped in dim light coming from some fancy light fixtures in the ceiling. Applause filled the air as the guys came backstage, huge smiles on their faces.
Some guys came up, told them they put on a great show tonight, then left.
Frankie, Tommy, and Bob veered off, probably to get some food. Nick walked over to me. I was sitting on a splintery wooden stool by a rack of colorful dresses and suits. He drug an identical stool next to me and sat down with an exhausted sigh.
"You guys did an amazing job tonight. I almost forgot you were a bunch of crapheads", I joked.
"You loved it Y/N!", Nick retorted.
"As a trusted friend, I cannot tell a lie, this was one of your best performances yet."
"We coulda done better."
I put my right hand on Nick's left and gave him an apologetic look.
"Hey, don't say that. You guys really outdid yourselves. Especially you, Nick", I looked up into his eyes.
"You think so, Y/N?"
"I know so"
After a short but peaceful silence he gazed down at his attire and grimaced.
"I hate this friggin monkey suit!" Nick slid his ,of all, jacket off revealing a plain white dress shirt and black suspenders.
"Did Bob pick the color?" I asked, pretty sure of the answer.
Nick nodded and sighed. I let out a chuckle.
"Hey Nick, I think the hotel we booked tonight has a pool."
"...Race you to the car?"
We looked at eachother, grinned, and sprinted towards the rusty EXIT sign at the other end of the room. Bob practically appeared out of thin air right in front of me and I crashed into him with a loud OOMF. Nick skidded to a stop.
"Where're you guys going in such a hurry?", Bob said while laughing.
"The hotel", Nick said.
Bob raised an eyebrow. Tommy peeked from behind him and wolf-whistled.
"No! No no no! I didn't mean-There's a pool! We're not-Y/N and I aren't-", Nick fumbled.
"Why don't we all go and swim?", I said trying to change the subject.
They all agreed and we piled into a limo for a short drive filled with awkward eye contact.

Later that night, after a fun evening of chicken fights, we headed to our rooms one by one. I had my own room. Frankie and Bob shared a room, and so did Tommy and Nick.
As I was unlocking my door, Nick walked out of his room across the hall. He had on a crinkly white hotel robe.
"Hey, I had fun tonight, Y/N.", he said.
"Yeah, I did t-" , I was cut off when he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It was short and sweet.
He had the expression of a scared little puppy. I smiled, my face heating up. Nick blushed madly. He quickly ducked his head and ran back to his room.
My hand slipped off the doorknob and I stood there in shock for a minute. I went inside and changed into some pajamas. I touched my fingers to my lips and grinned.


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