One Shot: Fitz x Reader

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A/N- Hi! So in this one shot, the reader works closely with Fitz and Simmons at SHIELD. This won't have any spoilers in it.

The day's work had been terribly slow going. There wasn't much to do. Jemma went home early, leaving Fitz and I to our boredom.
"I'm so boooredd", I whined from my throne, which was a La-Z-Boy lawn chair Skye gave to us after she stole it from the beach.
"Me too.", Fitz replied while slipping on his lab coat. He thew some gloves and goggles to me and put on some for himself.
I walked over to the table he was working at and watched him crack open a regular battery and pour the acid into a beaker. He then took two bottles from a cabinet behind him. I read the labels: sulfuric acid and Fluoroantimonic acid. Fitz added a splash of each, causing an ominous sizzling noise.
I cocked an eyebrow at him, unsure of what he was about to do.
"Fitz...We're not chemists.", I warned.
He grinned. "Could you please get that hunk of scrap metal behind you, Y/N?"

I spun around, almost dramatically. My Y/H/C ponytail hit Fitz's shoulder causing him to laugh and mutter something about sassy pants.
On the floor a few feet away, there were two pieces of beat- up looking metal that were about a yard long each. I recognized a titanium alloy and a steel alloy.
I sighed. "There are two pieces. Titanium or steel?"
He tapped his fingers on the table and asked for my better judgement. We agreed to just use both.
It took some work getting the big hunks of metal on the lab table, but we did it.
Fitz sucked up some of satan's acid concoction with a pipette and delicately squeezed some drops onto one of the metals.
The acid did nothing. The metal stayed the same. I took the pipette and added some to the other piece. Still nothing.
"Well this sucks.", Fitz said.
I hummed in agreement.
"Want to go get a snack?", he asked.
"Hell yeah!", I exclaimed.
We took off our safety-wear and left the lab and went to a lounge. Inside, there was a TV, a few pool tables, a completely stocked pantry, and a large fridge. We grabbed a big bowl of grapes and a bag of Cheetos. We sat down on opposite ends of a pool table. We tossed grapes into each other's mouths. The lighting was dim and had a fiery tint to it. His features looked amazing. Fitz's eyes glistened as he laughed at a dumb joke I told him. I wondered if he had ever thought of me in that way. He opened his mouth, and this time, I smushed the grape before I threw it to him. He missed it, and it hit him directly in the eye.
Fitz hissed and covered his eye with his hand, accidentally smacking himself and causing more pain. He grunted and fell on his right side, holding his eye.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I thought it would be funny!", I gasped.
"It's really okay, Y/N!", Fitz said, his voice strained.
I crawled over to him. He sat up and wiped the grape gunk from his eye. I touched his left cheek with my left hand and brushed my right thumb underneath his hurt eye. I had to get extra close to him to check his eye in the dim light. It looked irritated, but it was nothing too serious.
"I'm really sorry.", I said again, while taking my hands off of his face.
"It's okay.", Fitz said.
I smiled and brushed some stray hair out of my eyes. He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into his kiss and in return felt a smile of his own. We pulled apart after a moment.
"We should go clean up the lab.", I whispered.
Fitz nodded. He grabbed my hand and we slowly walked back, happy to be in each other's presence.
The doors opened and a coppery smell smacked us in our faces. The few drops of acid had dissolved all of the metal and most of the table. There were a few black spots on the ground that were sizzling
"How are we gong to explain this to Coulson?"

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