One Shot: Steve Rogers X Reader

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Being a SHIELD agent was great! I got to travel all over the world, use cool gadgets, and work alongside some of the greatest people ever. Like Natahsa Romanoff, Clint Barton, the list goes on. One of those great people, Agent Phil Coulson, had given me a mission. Make sure Steve Rogers, Captain A-frickin-merica was adjusting well and staying out of trouble after the incident with the Winter Soldier.


I easily spotted him in the crowd. He looked so lost, the poor guy. A little boy,about seven or eight, walked up to him and handed him a piece of paper. From where I was standing, I could see a smudged stick figure Steve standing alongside a stick figure Thor. Rogers accepted the gift and smiled at the boy before they went their separate ways.
I kept my distance throughout the day, trailing him around the museum. I bought a few trinkets at the gift shop. My stomach started to growl, and I made my way to the food court. I got a Green River and a grilled cheese.
I took my phone out and sent a text to Coulson to let him know that things were going swimmingly.
I began to read a Buzzfeed article. Screeeech. Scoot. Scoot. My head whipped up to see Steve Rogers sitting right in front of me.
"Agent.", he said curtly, with a nod.

ohshitohshitohshit I opened my mouth and I tried to speak but all that came out were inhuman sounding squeaks and gasps.

"Look, I know you guys mean well, but I can take care of myself.", Steve said.

"Uhuh", I finally mustered.

"What's your name?", He asked.

"Umm, its Y/N."

He stood up to leave.

"Wait, Captain Rogers! ...How did you know who I was?"

"Call me Steve", he said.

"Okay, Steve, How did you know I work for SHIELD?"

He shrugged and grinned,"Can I tell you over a cup of coffee?"

"Sure", I said. I smiled.


Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't updated lately! I've started a Kili x Reader oneshot an I will try to publish it within the next few days. Feedback would be great!
Thanks for reading!
-Annie 💙

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