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He could feel something nudge him in bed and grunts abit, rolling over to see whose bold enough to wake him up this early in the morning, but upon closer inspection two big arms wrap around his neck pulling the Weavile into comforting but compassionate hug.

Something very big and soft press up against his face in the embrace definitely making him wonder whose in bed with him.

Slowly opening up one eye, he raise his head only for those big and soft things to be pressing into his neck nearly covering up his face.

And when he open up his other eye, rubbing them both to get a better clear vision in the dark.

The person hugging was none other than a Zoroark.

"I-Ivy?"  He said in a groggery state yawning too.

"Good morning Master or early morning to be precise" her soft soothing voice whisper in his right ear making it twitch.

Once his vision manage to clear up more, he realized it was indeed Ivy, his wife, laying on top of his body and her arms wrapped around his neck.

He also notice big fluffy pillows pressing into his neck as well making it impossible to escape since they could cover up his entire head. Moving his eyes back up to the Zoroarks eyes both of them stare at each other in the darkness not saying a word and only heard the sound of there breathing.

"What are you doing Ivy?" He whisper to her in a quiet voice.

"Nothing Master" she said innocently in a whispering tone while pressing her chests more into his neck.

"Well your doing something to my neck that makes me question your options"

"I don't know what your talking about"


"I know you like it when I cover your face up with them" she said kissing his nose.

His muzzle turn a dark shaded red in the dark from the kiss on the nose. His mate did speak a certain truth, cause he did secretly like it when she press those into his face whenever they gave each other hugs.

"Um uh h-how come y-you woke me up this early in the morning?" He asked looking over at the clock to see it read 2:30am before feeling Ivy paw move his head to face her again.

"What do you think Master" she grinned evilly as she leans forward laying on top of him.

He tried to get a word out of his mouth but never got the chance as Ivy kisses him on the lips pressing her face into his while pulling the covers over the two of them for some alone time.

Both Weavile and Zoroark had the remaining four to six hours to themselves and Nox never got his sleep since his apprentice had become the Master for the time being during those six hours.


He slept quietly and peacefully in his bed hugging a plushie to his fur, for he was safe in his bedroom with the sliding glass door closed leading onto the deck, the blinds were close blocking the sun from entering his bedroom from waking him up but the door to his bedroom slowly creak open as a Braixen slowly sneaks into his bedroom approaching the Zorua.

Once she reach his crib, she begins to slowly stroke his ears very gently and smooth since it's time to get up.

"Zorro sweetie, it's morning, time to wake up" she said in a soothing voice almost sounding like a mother.

His body begin to stir as he held onto his plushie tight like he didn't want to wake up soon.

Moving her paw on his head softly, she stands on her tiptoes and bends inside gently scooping Zorro into her arms keeping him wrap in the bundle of his blanket and held him close to her fluffy furry chest.

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