Rolling down the Hill

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She sighs in relief after getting the last of the kitchen all clean up and table set for the three, now all that was left is to wait several hours till the roast is done sizzling in the pot.

But what could she do for the next several hours? She's never had this much free time in the morning before.

As Braixen lost in though on what to do, a pair of arms wrap around her curved slender hips from behind and pull her into a hug as she felt something soft, big and squishy with lots of fur pressing into the back of her neck.

It startle her for a moment before realizing who it was and it made her muzzle turn abit red. Slowly looking over her shoulder she saw Ivy looking directly at her with a slyfully smile.

"U-uh h-hi Ms. Ivy, I've finish cleaning the kitchen and lunch will b-be ready in several hours" she said to her before being pick up bridal style from behind into the Zoroark arms.

"That's good, now we're gonna head outside together  where my master and son are" Ivy said carrying Braixen to the backyard.

"O-Okay" Braixen replied her blush turn more red while wrapping her arms around Ivy neck.


Zorro is in his father arms as he's carried up a hill in the backyard.

"Daddy, has the backyard always been this big"

He nods his head him petting his ear and the back of his neck which earn him a putt from his son.

"Yes it has son, this backyard of ours is very big, with a small forest here too" he said to him.

"I wanna go to that forest daddy" he said wagging his tail.

He smiles ruffling his son furry head as they reach the top of the hill and he turns around sitting down in the grass with his son on his lap.

"We will, right now let's enjoy the scenery on the hill here"

"But I wanna play some more"

"Well daddy needs to rest for abit"

Zorro not liking this picks up a few pieces of grass from the ground and threw them at his father.

He chuckles and picks up some grass as well sprinkling then into his son fur.

He shakes the grass off his fur and headbutts his father in the chest which didn't do much as he's unaffected by it.

"Play. Now" Zorro demands wagging his tail and headbutts his father in the chest again

Nox leans back and lays down in the grass while lifting his son up high in the air looking at him.

"Well, if you wanna play some more son, would like to go down this hill"

"Yes" he chirp happily

Hearing him say that, he Lowers his son down abit and sits up hugging Zorro closer to his chest feeling his son tail wagging fast to the point of hitting.


"Yes I am"

"Alright, here we go"

Nox whirls around to the side and both father and son roll down the hill together.

Zorro is laughing as Nox is smiling while getting grass all over his fur, holding onto his son while they roll down the hill together.

"Again again"

"Hold on Son, we gotta to the bottom first"

He felt bushes and more grass getting tangle up into his fur before they came to a stop at the middle of a small tree on the hill.

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