How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete

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Me and my sis were play fighting right?

So I hit her then ran.

Eventually she got me back,

Then I chased her.

So on and so forth.

I ran into the bathroom and were were cat fighting. You know when you extend your arms and begin slapping each other's hands lightly with your face turned away?  

Well, I was tired but I didn't want to give in first....

She pushed me and I flew back into the tub. I landed with my legs up in the air like how a bugs legs are when you push it on its back and it tries to get up and it's like:

Aaah im just a tiny bug you flipped on its back . 

Help me help me.

So the worst part was the part where my butt was,my pants got wet from the water already inside of the shower. 

The shower curtain popped, but didn't fall down. 

I tried to get up. Rocking back and forth gradually building up speed to launch my self out of the tub.

After it all ended, I head-butted her. End of story


Ok so. I was playing this game right? 

And It was SO STUPID!

It was a game where I had to make the penguin side away from the polar bear cause the polar bear would eat it. On the way I had to catch the fish too. 

I was almost to the finish line when the stupid bear got me!

And do you want to know what it said at the end?!


Oops! The bear got you when you were 99% finished.

My reaction:       @_@

WTF?!? wtf im so angry. Im never playing that game again I'm going to delete it.

(The stupid game's called 'Race Penguin' and for you people who may or may not just so happen to love it, then you probably got to the finish like and had 100% complete)


This. Has been the memoirs... of an angry fat man.

Jk im a girl :)

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