Chapter 3: the first attack

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As everyone went to pick their rooms, I waited downstairs for them to finish. Just then I felt a grumble coming from my stomach, as I realised that I didn't have a proper breakfast. I called down to the others.

"Are you guys hungry? Because I'm about to make some food, and I'm not sure on what you guys want!" I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear me.
"Yea sure!" Called back down the twins.
"I would love something to eat!" Neville spoke softly and shyly.
"We will be down in a minute!" Said Harry.
"Ok! I will make some chicken legs!"
"YAYYY" I heard Ron cheer from the second floor.

I was making food, when I heard everyone come downstairs, I told them that the food was almost done, but as I turned around, I saw everyone giving me a dirty look.

"Woah... why are you all looking at me like I just made one of you unconscious?" I asked.
Neville looked scared out of his mind! What could've possibly happened up there!
"You!" Hermione scowled at me.
"Uhm... yes... this is me." I looked at them confused, which probably must've confused them, cause they dropped the act.

"Wait... you don't know?" Harry asked me.
"What should I know?" I asked them
"Oh.... never mind.... but can we eat now!" Ron was very exited as I nodded. I took the food to the table, the table was already set up (by me) so everyone just dug in, everyone other than me.

"Hey... why aren't you eating?" Someone asked me, but when I didn't answer, everyone stopped eating and looked at me. Then someone got up and shook me, which brought me back to my senses.
"Hmm?" I turned to look at whoever just shook me, surprised to see the platinum blond haired boy.

"Why. Are. You. Not. Eating." But he didn't ask, he demanded for an answer.... to which I responded truthfully.
"You guys kinda put me off when all of you looked at me like I murdered someone." Everyone remained silent, so I got up, took my coat, told them I was going for a walk, then left.

I wandered around, not very sure on where to go. As I turned a corner to the street 'Hollows Avenue', I saw Mike, marched up to him, and asked what kind of sane people he signed me up with. When he couldn't give me an answer, I told him that I quit my job.

"What! No you can't! Your only 16 and you have no other job!" He pleaded with me. I turned around and started walking when he grabbed my wrist and pinned me to a fence.

"WHAT THE HELL MIKE!" I shouted at him.
"You need to keep an eye on them and send me a text every time you go somewhere with them, with the address."
"I- WTF WHY DO U WANT ME TO DO THAT" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping that someone would hear me. With my luck, no one did.

"I won't do it" I told him with a glare.
"It's a shame... you had so much potential." He told me, then out of nowhere, he pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach, and ran away. I was bleeding and coughing hysterically. I wouldn't have survived, but luckily I was near the house, so I pulled myself up, ignored the pain, and opened the door to my new house. I remember everyone in the living room staring at me, then their eyes widening at the sight of me coughing up blood, then black.

Yes. I said I saw black.

Authors note: how do u guys like the story so far? Do Y'all like it?

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