what do you want to do?

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i don't know.

what do you want me to say?

that i want to fuck you until you drool?
that i want you to fuck me until i can't see straight?

should i tell you that i want to go places?
see grand new things and breathe new air i've never breathed before?
new stars and skies and memories i want to make with you?

should i tell you that i want to feel you close to me, as a part of me, every minute of every day?

should i tell you that i want to sketch you under the light of a setting sun?
that i want to feel the breeze on my neck on a quiet walk with you?

should i tell you that i hate myself for yesterday and for my stupid little urges and for loving the way you look underneath me? 

but i can't tell you these things. because there's nothing else to do but sit around and play music.

so i don't know.
i don't know what i want to do.

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