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Y/N hadn't been the same since the move. Of course she wouldn't be.

Gus wasn't here with her, and that just didn't feel right.

After her parents divorce, she ended up moving to California with her mom and Jackson.

Which meant no Gus.

She facetimed Gus every single day to check in on him and see what he was doing, and in the beginning that was completely fine with her. But of course as time went on, it started to take a toll on her, she couldn't stand not being by his side everyday like she was before.

It just didn't feel right. It almost made her sick to think that something could happen to him, and she was across the country unable to help in any way other than her words through the phone.

It hurt that she couldn't hold him, run her fingers through his hair, and let him know everything would eventually be okay.

Of course, he hadn't exhibited any signs of being not okay, but that didn't ease the worry in her stomach. After moving, she struggled a lot with adjusting to everything.

The heat, the time difference (though it wasn't large), and not having her best friend and boyfriend by her side. She often times even worried that maybe her dad wasn't doing okay, though one phone call often cleared that up as she could tell her father was safe and happy.

She stumbled out of her room and through the apartment, as she did every day when she first woke up, and was met with the sight of her mom standing at the island in the kitchen eating a sandwich while Jackson was dancing around her feet practically begging for a piece to fall into his mouth.

"Well, good afternoon, kiddo. How'd you sleep?"

She blinked, lifting her hands to rub the sleep from her eyes before responding.

"I slept. Mostly. I think."

She nodded, looking down at her sandwich again as she slowly chewed the previous bite she had taken. Y/N dragged her feet towards the pantry, grabbing a Pop-Tart out of the box and then dragging herself to the island seats and sitting down.

Her mom stood across from her, still seeming to be contemplating her sandwich heavily.

Y/N slowly opened the wrapping on her lunch, swinging her feet slowly as she watched her mom.

"I'm okay, mom."

She sighed, finally looking up from her sandwich to make eye contact with Y/N. The look of worry in her eyes didn't escape her as she began to speak.

"I just... I know it's hard, kid. I know you miss home, and I'm sorry. But trying to afford the house as a single parent would be hard for me or your dad--"

"Mom. I know. I told you I'm okay."

She nodded, slowly looking back down towards her sandwich and taking another bite.

Y/N took a bite out of the Pop-Tart she had finally managed to unwrap, not wanting to conversation about home to continue on.

"How's work been? Makin friends yet?"

Her mom chuckled, a bit of sandwich crumb falling out of her mouth and onto the island.

give u the moon (lil peep x reader)Where stories live. Discover now