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Those final 5 days did not pass quickly. Y/N woke up and did the same thing everyday.

She would open her eyes, check what day it was, get up, try to scrub that same spot out of the living room carpet before getting bored and going into the kitchen to eat, then she would go sit in her bed and listen to Gus' older mixtapes until she either fell asleep or he facetimed her.

But when the day finally came, it felt like it was all worth the wait. Her mom had requested to get off earlier, wanting to be there whenever her best-friends son and her daughters boyfriend came to visit.

He had gotten an early flight, paid for courtesy of his momma, but he wouldn't be coming until later since he had to set up shop with the people he would be staying with first.

Y/N's mom was kind enough to offer to pay for him an Uber to get there, but he insisted that he would find somebody to give him a ride over there as soon as he was done. Y/N had already sent him the address and the apartment number, so now it was all a waiting game.

A waiting game that felt even longer than those 2 weeks waiting for him did.

She had woken up early to make sure that he made his flight, then proceeded to be too excited to go back to sleep.

Which made the day pass by 20 times slower than it already was going to.

Her mom had told her to try taking a nap, but of course that wouldn't work.

All of her focus was on Gus.

He would be here, in her slightly dingy apartment with the strange carpet stain, in her presense once again. For the first time in 2 years.

After she had moved, she was supposed to spend summers with her dad at their house in Long Island so that she could see him and Gus. 'Supposed to' were the key words in that sentence.

But not long after they had moved; her dad had been offered a new job (and a higher paying one) in Arizona. So now she would just go to see him as his work schedule deemed fit, which she didn't mind, but whenever she found out she wouldn't be able to see Gus she ended up having a full mental breakdown.

She let out a huff of air, sitting up from her laying position on the couch.

She had tried watching TV to pass the time, but even the entertainment in that could only go on for so long. After so many episodes of Big Brother, her mind had managed to wander its way back to Gus.

She leaned to grab her phone off the floor, picking it up and checking the time for the 100th time that day.

1:22 PM.

Alright, now who the fuck let Father Time make this shit pass by so slow.

She knew that he had made it to California, he had already texted her about it around 11:30 that morning.

'i'm in cali!! gonna talk 2 the boys and settle in a lil and then i'll be there <3'

Checking back on that text made her smile, but also aggravated her to no end.

She just wanted him to be here already. She always was impatient.

She stood from the couch, walking into the kitchen and beginning to dig through the fridge for something to drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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