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[Author's note]

So Sky TV recently decided to play all the Harry Potter movies back to back for a few days and despite the joy the series used to be bring me as a child, as an adult I am now truly stuck in the truth that it is a very very sad story about a boy with no family continuously losing those close to him.

I really love Harry and I love his depth but it is so fucking sad

Also, I really very much fancy Remus Lupin so I really had no choice when the idea kept playing in my head for this story. I just had to get it out on paper

No spoilers don't worry, but this story will obviously be about dear old Moony but also my OC's relationship with Harry as I really do just want him to be happy if it's possible because JK really seemed to wanna kill any spirit this kid has

I will be generally be following the plot of the movies, starting with the Prisoner of Askaban but I'm still debating on how much I will be following after that year. I have ideas but I'm still unsure so we'll get through it together :)

 I have ideas but I'm still unsure so we'll get through it together :)

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That post is essentially what I mean.

There will be smut later on but I will warn you.

Anyways, enough of my rambling, please enjoy!

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