Dementor! Dementor!

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It felt slightly humiliating to get the train with the students back to Hogwarts, but at the same time Vera could not feel herself being able to imagine another way there. It was thrilling, but she beginning to feel a little old seeing the tiny first years running down the scale of the train, skillfully avoiding crashing into her.

Just to ease her own mind about the trip she decided to do a run along check down the entirety of the train, not that Black would be so utterly stupid to get the train with the students but from the time she knew him in school, she could never be so sure.

She started with having a brief check of the back of the train where many of the older Slytherin students had occupied but found nothing suspicious although suspecting nothing in the first place. She started to turn to leave when she heard the low tune of what could only be described as a wolf whistle.

"You new around here, sweetheart?"

She closed her eyes momentarily in a brief reminder to keep her composure. These were children, she couldn't just hex them.

She turned on her heel sharply and smiled at the boy down the carriage who had just stopped smirking at the realisation this was not a fellow student.


The boy had started spluttering and she could see his friends trying to contain their laughter at the misfortune of their friend.

"I won't ask again," Vera raised an eyebrow and he spit out his name was Marcus Flint. "So Mr Flint, am I right in assuming that you were wanting a weeks' worth of detentions on your first week back?"

He shook his head. She actually didn't even know if she was authorised to give out detentions, but this idiot didn't know that.

"I didn't think so, please take this as a warning. Have a good rest of your journey, Mr Flint."

Elvera felt exhilarated in a way she hadn't felt since she'd been head girl, which she often kept under wraps simply because it was a little embarrassing, but the authority made her feel fucking brilliant.

She left the carriage and walked further down before eventually she had to stop for moment and calm herself down. She felt like a bad bitch, but that came with the cost of being a little bit sheepish about it.

"Professor Felicio?" Questioned a familiar voice and she turned to see Harry had opened his compartment door to see what on earth the woman was doing. She felt herself flush before she could even calm herself enough to stop it.

"Merlin Harry, you almost gave me a heart attack," She breathed and decided to enter the compartment as Harry took back his seat but she did not sit and stood at the door. "Who's that there in the corner?"

"R.J.Lupin," The girl in the compartment spoke up and Elvera found herself with both eyebrows raised.

Was it really? How odd. Dumbledore had seemed to miss out that little bit of key information when he was hiring her, which she wasn't actually shocked about. It was very Dumbledore for everyone to be kept in the dark but him, but she found it odd that he would just so happen to hire two professors who were so close with Harry's parents the very year that Black escapes.

She wasn't suggesting he was a seer, but that man really knew some weird shit and she wasn't quite sure how he got his information.

Just her luck, she couldn't see his face though she wasn't convinced there was another R.J.Lupin just knocking about at Hogwarts. It wracked her with nerves, but it wasn't like they knew each other particularly well. In fact, the last time she saw him she was fairly sure she was 12. Vera almost laughed, back when her main concerns were being cool and being a little nerd. She was only good at one of those.

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