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Walking through the halls again was like a punch in the throat

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Walking through the halls again was like a punch in the throat.

Her heart was freaking out inside her chest and she felt vaguely dizzy at the memories of the beautiful school, even though many of the teachers who had taught her had left. She was sure Peeves was still causing trauma for the younger students, Vera wasn't actually sure the ghost could actually leave.

The great hall was charming as ever, the candles hovering above the students in elegance that wasn't found anywhere else. In the cheesiest way, it was just so magical.

Nothing else would top the sight of the night sky above the dining tables, and this was the first time she was able to view it from behind where Dumbledore normally stood to make his speech.

It barely felt real, glancing upon the Slytherin table she saw miniature versions of people she knew to be death eaters. It was hard to miss the pale platinum blonde hair that she instantly recognised as the young Malfoy. It had been a shame his father had been such a coward, claiming to have nothing to do with the Dark Lord and having the money for people to believe him, otherwise she knew the fate she had in mind for him was way worse than anything a dementor could do.

Twat. If you were going to support a dark evil wizard, least you could do is be honest about it.

The students were still filtering in and she had decided to sit next to Snape for some unknown reason, but she had the slight plus of Lupin sitting next to him and he wasn't a dick so far. Sadly, Hagrid and Professor McGonagall had sat on the other side and there wasn't a whole lot of room going.

She hadn't seen the elder witch since she'd departed from the school, but she was definitely her favourite teacher and was definitely not prepared to call her Minerva instead of Professor.

The sorting ceremony flew by. The hat was a little bastard but it seemed to hurry itself along almost like it knew she was on the edge of her seat, filled to the brim with anxiety. And just when all the small first years were in their respective houses, including the ones she had spoken to on the train, Flitwick had decided now was the perfect time for a choir moment.

Group singing wasn't enjoyable at Christmas and it certainly wasn't when she was waiting for the kickoff to the beginning of the year, and more importantly the feast.

Snape finally looked at her silently, seeming to have ignored her existence so far but unable to keep his curiosity to himself. Vera raised an eyebrow at him, sensing his dark eyes on her, but not wanting to talk over the choir even though it would have been a God send to hear much over it.

She noticed Lupin's eyes flicker over to the silent altercation between her and Snape, probably not wishing to get involved. Some Gryffindor pride that was.

The greasy hair wizard leaned over slightly, looking forward into the rest of the hall, and with no real sentiment said it was nice to see her again. She was surprised Snape could remember her looks from when she was eleven, but she didn't question it, he was a weird bloke.

Elvera supposed she wasn't exactly unknown either, not that she was Harry or anything, but enough involvement with death eaters and the ministry and people were bound to notice. Snape was definitely the type of man to keep up with the news, being all ex-evil and all that.

She muttered the same, but tried to sound a little more sincere than him, because in her eyes that was a bit of a one up.

The choir children with their toads cleared off, to which she found herself clapping, and Dumbledore finally decided now would be a good time to start his speech.

"Welcome! Welcome, to another year at Hogwarts! Now I'd like to say a few words before we all become to befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'd like to welcome Professor R.J.Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor!" Dumbledore waved his arm to the teacher and he stood up calmly, hands in front of him in a sweet, non-threatening stance and did a small bow.

Despite the Mr Rogers vibe he so clearly was giving off, the authority was also apparent, and it was more than a little appealing. How could such a cute looking man make that silly tweed suit look so... She didn't even want to go there. She really didn't.

He took a seat.

Dumbledore next announced the departure of Professor Kettleburn, who she wasn't exactly that disappointed by. Even with her love for the care of magical creatures in school, the student and teacher had certainly not got on. She liked to think of herself as tolerant, but that man was an idiot.

Vera was more than pleased to hear the ancient wizard announce that the role would be taken over by Hagrid, which in her opinion just suited the role way more. Hagrid was such a kind soul, as she had grown to know in her time at Hogwarts and she was sure many students knew but damn if that man didn't deserve the world.

He received a large applause from the Gryffindor table in particular, standing up to receive further praise and also nearly knocking over the table when he did.

"My next welcome applies to Professor E.R. Felicio, who will be our extra support this year in ways more than one. I'm sure you will see the Professor around the castle, and do not hesitate to ask for help as she will no doubt be more than willing to give it."

She stood a little more tepidly than her fellow professors but with a mask of a smile, searching the crowd with her eyes to try find Harry on the Gryffindor table. Green met green and she saw him grinning proudly and held a little thumbs up as he felt their gaze match. He didn't even know her well, just some odd wizard he'd met a few times and there he was being the encouraging push that Lily had given to her, he really was her son.

She sat after the welcoming applause had ended and took a risk at glancing at Lupin who was already looking at her with an encouraging smile. He winked and she turned back to look forward into the sea of students, trying not to grin.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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