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"But Mr Weasley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"

Vera and Eupheus rounded the corner to the cheerful conversation, feeling like they should at least greet the family, not expecting to get hit with someone asking if they were going to murder them. Great start.


"Eupheus!" The ginger man returned, both of them going in for a hug rather than a handshake which Vera would have thought was sweet if she was not staring directly at James Potter.

Well of course, it wasn't James but it might as well have been. The ruffled hair, the glasses and the jawline, but those eyes. So beautiful and green, not unlike her own and not unlike her dear lost friend.

She saw him move his mouth to attempt to say something, no doubt a little weirded out at this woman looking at him like she'd seen a ghost (almost literally), but she recovered herself just in time before it got too awkward.

"Harry Potter, highest of pleasures to meet you!" She grinned, shaking his hand when she wished to pull this idiot child into a hug and just cry but that would be super weird. She could see in his face that he had no clue who she was, and that was okay for now. Vera did not want to spook the boy, it wasn't his fault his parents were dead and he was an eerie spitting image.

"Hello-" He hesitated, and Arthur placed a hand on Vera's shoulder.

"This is Elvera Felicio and her father, Eupheus. If I'm not mistaken, Elvera here will be one of your professors this year," Arthur Weasley saved the day. She was constantly amazed by his perseverance to make every uncomfortable situation a pleasant one.

"I'm also essentially a security guard Mr Potter, so if you see any shit you don't like, aka a descendant of Malfoy being a dick, I'll kick their ass for you," She grinned, and Harry grinned back until both of them were met with stern looks from both Mr Weasley and her father.

"What my dear Vera means Harry, is that you've no need to be worried this year, there are the proper measures being taken," Eupheus clapped his hands together, and Vera rolled her eyes so Harry would catch it and he smiled before fake coughing to cover his mouth.

Elvera was almost too overcome by emotions, this little shit was almost an exact mix of what she remembered James and Lily to be like and she really just hoped that he knew. She wasn't sure if anyone had told him. Black was a traitor, Pettigrew was dead and who knew what had happened to Lupin, she didn't really know him all that well even when all members were alive. 

It's not like Petunia was going to reminisce about Lily and James, she hadn't even turned up to their wedding, which was all the more surprise to Vera when she learned that was who Harry was living with.

"I'm excited to have you teaching us this year, Professor Felicio."

God, she might cry.

"I'm excited to have you as a student, Mr Potter," She said, shaking his hand. Her father then also shook the boys hand, and Vera suddenly thought of how much the boy looked Fleamont Potter, minus the old age and the fact he didn't wear the same specs, but they still looked very alike. That made sense, obviously, it was his grandfather.

"It's been a pleasure, Mr Potter, but we better get moving. Few days before term starts, I don't exactly want to get caught in Diagon Alley and I fear we will if we stay any longer," Eupheus warmly smiled and Harry returned it. "Arthur, I'll likely see you in the next few days or so."

They exited the pub and Elvera felt the tension release slightly and her father nudged her with her cane. She looked to him walking beside her and he had a face of great pity on this face, but she knew eventually she would have had to deal with the young boy's alikeness to his parents, but she thought she might have a few days to prepare, get a grip on herself but hey ho.

"You know I can't back out now, don't you? I've seen him now," She nudged his arm back and he sighed.

"Yes, I know. I will admit, seeing how much he looks like the Potters has upset me slightly. They always were so kind, Fleamont and Euphemia."

It was mid-afternoon and the sun was sprawled upon the streets and the muggles who occupied it, and Vera was starting to slightly regret having some whiskey so early, but she had a habit of drinking a little too early in the day with her dad. This was not a habit she wanted to get into, despite it being an incredibly attractive one.

"Did you want to have some dinner at mine?" Eupheus looked up at the sun, raising an arm and looking out for his muggle car among those parked at the side of the road.

"I'd love to, really, but I have a lot of preparation to be doing and not to mention, packing!" She put on a large grin but he stared her down with disbelief. She sighed. "I'm shit scared, but I think this is something I have to do."

There was a finality in her words she had reached which did not feel as certain before as it did now and it all lay in Harry. Eupheus was skilled at being persuasive and she knew if she had dinner at her father's, no matter how much she wanted to, she would be left doubting her decision. Vera was also unsure if she went to the house that she wouldn't be able to cope leaving her dad by himself.

She found herself staring at herself in the mirror as the day drew further to a close, having just come out of a scalding hot shower trying to burn away the doubts of her choices.

Dumbledore wanted her to keep a watchful eye, but he was actually giving her the opportunity to teach as she had so desperately wanted to when she left the school in 1984. Many of the dark witches and wizards had gone to the shadows or claimed they had no involvement with Voldemort, but Vera felt herself unable to be satisfied by this due to the knowledge that if her mother could be brutality murdered, any followers of the Dark Lord around, previous or not, had to be tracked to prevent the same thing.

She had no previous experience with teaching children and Dumbledore advised due to her still being on the younger side she should look for a little experience first instead of going straight into the deep end. She almost considered feeling patronised as she knew for certain that scam Lockhart definitely had no prior experience due to how that turned out, but then again it also kind of proved that Dumbledore was trying to take less chances.

Vera mooched across her floor, feet dragging in bunny slippers she had received from her dad on her birthday which was a slight novelty gift but she was certainly not complaining as they were comfy as hell. She moved to turn her gramophone on, a large wooden unit with gorgeous intricate designs that she had inherited from her mother's side and the smooth voice of Frank Sinatra filled her cosy flat.

Then, having set her calm mood, went to pour herself a glass of red wine. It wasn't particularly her drink of choice, but it had been cheap in the muggle shop so why not? Besides, her favourite whiskey was tucked into her trunk and magic or not, she could not be bothered to get everything out and back in again.

Vera sat and tried to take deep breaths, feeling similar to how she did in 1977, but she was not a little girl anymore.

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