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I was just quiet watching the whole scene going on. Jin is still holding my hand, but it is almost like a hold of nerves. It doesn't feel like an act anymore.

The other man with a sharp jawline and a long hair is just smiling. Almost like a smirk.

"Would you mind speaking to me for a moment?"- the man asked Jin.
Jins expression was changed now. He looked heavy hearted.

"No, I don't mind at all"- Jin said and both of them started to walk away. My instinct was to follow them but the man stopped me.

"Just him. I didn't ask for you, did I?"- he rudely told me and I looked at Jin. He nodded his head to give me reassurance it was okay to let him go alone, but I still worried. This whole tension between them is scary.

"Be careful, okay? Don't trust these men"- Jin said to my ear and followed the man.

Both of them disappeared in the thick layer of people, making me lose sight of Jin. I can't help but to worry.

"Here alone?"- a man behind me asked and I frowned in disgust.

"God is by my side, so don't make mistakes or he'll put you in hell. Leave me alone"- I said but the man insisted.

"You are funny, I imagine what you could-"

"She already made very clear she doesn't want you here harassing her."- Another man interrupted the pervert making him go away.

I looked at whom had protected me and my eyes grew big. Although he has a mask, I have seen his face before from up close and various times. Jeon Jungkook. I dodged my face and eyes from him so he wouldn't recognize me, but my body tensed up as I feel him gazing at me.

"I know you know me"- he said sipping on his drink as he looks to the crowd in front of him like I am.
I didn't say absolutely anything afraid he would ruin Jins and mine act.

"I'm not going to do anything. I know you chase me because it's your job to do so"- he broke silence and I now think he is reading my mind. I stayed silent again.

"You're really not going to talk?"- he said and I feel like I should talk so I won't look intimidated

"What exactly do you need me to say?"- I didn't look at him.

"Hello?"- he proposed the idea.

"I feel like we don't need introductions"- I  told him since he clearly knows who I am.

"Right...thank you then"- he said and I frowned in confusion -"thank you for being by his side..."- he gave another sip on his drink.

"By whose side?"

"You know who...he may look fine on the outside and maybe he puts a smile on his face all the time, but... I know he is constantly haunted by his own demons but hides it so he doesn't need to explain anything to anyone..."

"I don't understand..."- I am more confused.

"Just tell him I don't hate him. I will never...and that I'm sorry that I failed to be what he wanted me to..."- Jungkook told me not looking once at my face and left. What just happened?...

Suddenly I was dragged out of there. I immediately recognized the kidnapper to be Jin. He took me to the car and quickly turned the engine on to ride the car. He was going really fast and I was confused.

"What happened!?"- I asked him in nerves. He is going so fast I'm afraid he'll cause my death.

"Jin!!"- I called him in desperation but he didn't answer.

I looked behind and no one was following us. Why is he acting like this??

"Jin, stop the car!!"- I said but he didn't listen -"Jin!!"- again no response. I didn't have any other option but to pull the manual break.

"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now