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Seokjin POV
I was passing around that little cabin going crazy to find where she is. Jungkook hasn't been answering my calls and I can't track his phone anymore and that is also worrying me.
I haven't slept on two days crazily worried about her...

"This is all my fault. This is all my fault"- I kept repeating to myself with my hands on my head. My tears don't stop falling as I keep thinking I already lost them both.

Then I heard something in the bushes again, just like the other day. I looked and there was a man that suddenly disappeared. I was so angry, but I instantly knew that it might have been one of my father's men.
I walked outside with a gun on my hand, ready to get answers.

I followed the sound of the footsteps and I accelerated my pace. It wasn't hard to grab that mans jacket. Once I did, I turned him around and pointed a gun at him.

"Namjoon?!"- I realized who it was.

"Hum...yes..."- he shrugged his shoulders. I haven't seen this guy in years. He was one of my closest friends when I was forced to be in the gang. Just like Jungkook he stayed behind, but he actually wanted to stay. I remember him being a good kid though, he was just manipulated and scared for his life.

"What are you doing here??"- I asked him.

"Can you please move that away from me?"- he refered to the gun.

"Not unless you're telling me why you are here"- I said not playing games. I really liked this guy, but he chose the gang at the end of the day. Besides, if he is here it's because he is still in the gang and probably knows where Y/N and Jungkook is.

"Ok, ok, ok! Fine... Jungkook is in trouble...they found out he was helping you and now he is getting beaten up to death...Look...I came here because I need your help..." Namjoon told me.

"So you needed my help, yet you were just running away from me?...nop, you have to come up with another excuse"- I put the gun closer to him

"I'm serious! Geez... I just got scared for a minute... I haven't seen you in years so I ran away...you became a man with really broad shoulders, did you know that?"

"Thank you, girls dig it"- I gave a smile at the compliment. -"whatever. Why are you here? And why were you here the other day too?!"- I asked him trying to be scary again.

"Because Jungkook is in trouble...they found out he was helping you and they took him... I know where he is, but I need your help to pass the gang"- Namjoon said.

"Is Y/N with him?"- I asked him.

"If not in the same room, in the same old ass building"- he told me.

"Wait...why were here the last time then?"- I asked him, thinking that he might have been the one to tell on Jungkook.

"Because...I saw Jungkook coming here and...when I saw you with him that night he brought you I just-...missed you...so I came back in that afternoon..to see you... I miss us three"- Namjoon said.

"C'mon, you think I really believe that?...you came here because you miss me?...yeah, right"- I said.

"Jin... I know we have our differences from the past...but... I don't want this life anymore...I can't sleep at night because all the lives that I took keep hunting me... I constantly dream about what my life should have been and sometimes I get confused, but I know something!...it shouldn't be like this...I want to stop surviving... I want to live...but for that... I need you and Jungkook by my side...please...help us..."- Namjoon spoke and in his eyes I saw some sincerety in all of his tears.

"So you are trying to get out of the gang?..."- I asked him.

"Yes...both me and Jungkook... I think he didn't get lucky..."

"But why didn't you help him when he was helping me then??"- I am so confused by his words and actions.

"He didn't tell me!... I think he hid it from me in case something went wrong and I wouldn't be found guilty....just like now...we need to help him.."- Namjoon told me anI let go of him.

"I drive...you say the directions...and I'll put handcuffs on you... I'm not sure if you are the same person..."



"Jungkook, please wake up...please..."- I tried finding the strength to call him. I can't touch him as I'm tied up to the chair, but I hope my voice will.

"Jungkook, please...you just need to untie me so I can get you out of here... Jungkook...please... I need to get you out of here..."- I tried waking him up but nothing.

I hanged my head low as I start crying as I think this is our end...and unfortunately, he'll go first then me...

Then I felt my hands getting untied, I looked behind and Jungkook had crawl to my side far enough just to untie my hands.
I was startled but once he freed my hands, I freed my feet and torso from that chair.
I was going to carry Jungkook out of there, but he stopped me.

"Go..."- Jungkook said in a whisper struggling to breathe.


"I'll only.... going... to hold you...back..."- he struggled to say.

"No"- I told him.

"He can't... loose... both of us...he needs you....Jin loves...you"

"And he loves you too. I'm not leaving you behind and that's the end of the talk"


"Stop, talking. Save energy for our way out of here"- I told him and picked him up, hoping we will leave this place.

Maybe we'll die, maybe we won't...if I don't save myself, I need to save Jungkook at least. He needs to get to Jin...my Jin...

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