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"we need to get out of here!"- I told Jin in a way he would hear me.

"Let's crawl to the garage door!"- he said and so we did.

We entered the garage and went straight to the car. Jin was the one driving.

"Wait, the garage door takes to much time to open. It'll give them time to enter and shoot us"- I told Jin as he looked at me.

"You're right"- he casually said and started the car -"put your seat belt on"- he said as he smiled at me.

I was so confused, but I did what he said because honestly I was more scared than anything else. I don't know what's going through his mind but...at that moment he took a deep breath and put the car back just to gain speed and drive through the garage door.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!"- we both screamed. Me of scare, Jin of adrenaline.

We actually made it. I think we ran over someone, but oh well, he tried shooting us.

"Oh ooohhhhh"- Jin still had a bit of excitement on his veins.

"We could have died!"- I said.

"I mean yes, but no if you wanted to die by a bullet"- he said.

"....good point..."- it made him smile.

"So what now?"- I asked.

"I think we should get some food-...oh, nevermind, they're chasing us now"- he told me.

"What?!"- I looked behind and it was true. A pistol was coming out of their window.

"Quick! Turn here!"- I told him and he did. I didn't want the man to shoot our tires.

"Shit"- Jin said.

"What is it?!"

"We're running out of gas. Hold tight"- he said and put his foot deeper on the pedal.
We were going so fast I couldn't recognize the forms of the objects we were passing by.

Suddenly Jin turned into the forest. He just drove into the trees and made his way out to a rock road. We almost hit every tree in front of us.

We kept going and going until we were sure no one was chasing us. After 5 minutes there, the car started to stop as we ran out of gas. The car made it's last beeping sounds and...we were stuck..

I took a deep breath and I closed my eyes thinking I could've died a minute ago and now I'm stuck in the woods...

"Well...we need gas"- Jin said and I death glared him for obvious reasons.

"I can't believe this..."- I thought out loud.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?"- Jin asked me while turning to me in confusion and making a full check up.

"I'm fine"- I said.

"Good... I'll call Jungkook to bring us gas"- Jin said.

"Jungkook?...are you crazy?? He is going to tell on us!"- I called him for reason.

"Y/n, I told you Jungkook is not like that"- he told me and made the call to his friend.

I looked at him and he was going back and forth, I think he also doesn't know what to do. He did warn Jungkook to be careful and not be followed.

"Why do you think this happened?...you think they found out you are a cop that is now chasing your father?"- I asked him as we wait for the gas.

"I don't think so... I look very different from when I was at 14...believe me...maybe it's because we locked up those gang members. Maybe they found out it was us and came to our house to kill us"- Jin said.

"And you're sure Jungkook is not going to tell on us?... I mean, I know you protect him but you seemed mad that time you met him in the bathroom"- I said.

"Actually... I was mad at myself...not him... I was sad that the reason he is still in the gang is because of me... I left him behind... I left and he stayed... It's my fault that he is still in that shitty world..."- I noticed a sadness on his tone as his eyes were wondering around and his back against the car. He bit his lip like he regretted something...

"It's not your fault...you were a kid yourself...you couldn't do anything... I know you thought you were going to be chased and killed and that is why you didn't take him with you in the first place... Don't blame yourself for trying to protect him"- I told Jin while imitating his position as we are casually talking.

"I could have gone to him after"- he said.

"Did you find him?..."- I asked him and he shook his head as a no -"I know you didn't find cause if you had you would've gone for him...it took us so much time to find him with several people in the case...your head alone would it make much harder..."- I told him.

"How do you know I would have gone to him?... I can be a selfish prick..."- he told me.

"Well, if you were, you wouldn't have protected me in the ways you did...you would have left that party without me...you wouldn't look for me on that day I went to get beer...you wouldn't have put your arms around me to protect me from bullets just a few hours ago..."

At that moment, his back was no longer relaying on the car as he came to me to look at me from a closer perspective

"What?..."- I asked him hesitant.

"I can't have you..."- he told me directly to my eyes.

"Why?..."- for some reason I asked.

"You'll get in trouble because of me...just like today...if they find out who I am...which might be close... they'll put a bullet in your heart"- he said.

"Why me?... I'm just your partner"

"To you I might be just your partner...but they'll notice the way I look at you...just like now..."

Throughout this talk he was looking at me with tender eyes and I was becoming soft

"If you really thought you couldn't have me... you would've stayed away... but you're right here in front of me, just an inch away, to tell me you can't be with me..."- I said.

"I can't stay away from you"

"Then don't let go of me..."- I instantly said as my heart spoke louder than my head.
He put his hand on my face and looked at me in the eyes...he was caressing my cheek while admiring every single part of it even though it's hard because of the lonely lights in this place.

The atmosphere around us turned intense... dimmed light from the car at night surrounded by trees and the sound of the wind hitting on them...some owls sang too..

Then...it was like the world stop and all those sounds disappeared as I closed my eyes and our lips met each other for the first time after longing to be together...

it was like the world stop and all those sounds disappeared as I closed my eyes and our lips met each other for the first time after longing to be together

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"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora