Chapter 1 - Moving In

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Your mom pulled up to the place where you were going to live. You hadn't been paying attention because you were focused on the scenery and missing your hometown New York (or whatever one you want!). You always loved it there. You fell out of you daze to you mom slightly shaking you.

 "Y/N. Y/N, get up! We're here! she said with a big smile on her face.

You couldn't help but smile your mom was so shiny and smiley. You got out the car and went into the house. Your room was significantly bigger than your tiny room in New York. You started to unpack while listening to you favorite band/artist (whichever you choose).

"Mom! I'm gonna go for a walk, see if there's anything interesting out her." you said as you left and closed the door. You turned around and made sure the door was locked and that you had your key. You did and it was, you started walking.

After walking for a while you went into a convenience store. You wanted something to snack on so you looked for y/f/s (your favorite snack). You see it and say "Ugh yes, I'm so hungry" and go up to cashier to pay. A boy that looked your age was about 5'7 or 5'8, he was cute and he had braces on. You gave him a small smile and walked out of the store.

You're almost home when you hear someone groaning behind you. You stop eating and put your snack back in the bag, you saw the boy from earlier. You were shocked, he had bruises and scratches on his face. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay, who did this?" you said worried. He replied "I was going to buy my abuelita something because she wasn't feeling good, but then these jerks came into the store, and I pointed out how they look like high schoolers, then they started to jump me until my neighbor came and did some type of karate and kicked their asses." You look down sad. "Why would they jump you? Just because you said they looked like high schoolers?" He shook his head no. "Because they were trying to buy beer but I didn't know." You rubbed his back and kept walking.

You arrived at your house. "Well, this is me. I hope you feel better..." You said. "Miguel" he said. He looked around and looked back at you surprised. You chuckled "Whats wrong?" "I live here too!" he exclaimed."Thats so cool, but I've got to go. My mom is probably going crazy right now." I said. "Wait! I didn't catch your name." "Y/N, Y/N L/N" You said. "Miguel Diaz" he said holding his hand out, you shook it. He walked away and you smiled to yourself. You grabbed your keys and went inside.

"Hey mom, I'm back. How're you settling in?" There was no response, you checked her room to see she was sleep. You grabbed her blanket pulled it over her, cut off the light then left. You saw a note on the fridge.

"Hey N/N (your nickname), in case I fall asleep, you know today is Sunday, so you have school tomorrow. It's called West Valley High, about a 10 minute walk. So make sure to wash up, brush your teeth and get a good nights sleep! I love you N/N - Mom <3."

You took a shower, ate some pizza your mom ordered then went to sleep with Miguel on your mind.

A/N: I honestly don't think that this will get over 100 reads but I like it so far and I hope (if youre reading this.) You do too! Remember to eat, brush your teeth and try to do your schoolwork. Sending love, xoxo :).

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