More heartbreaking Jamilton

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Hi y'all! ♡ So, yesterday I was listening to this song that I love and, before realising what I was doing, I was already crying over Thomas and Alexander while writing this story. I imagine their moment to be similar to the one Mia and Sebastian have in La la land, but only with memories.

(I don't know if this is what AngelicaCongrats was asking for, but here's more Jamilton! Yay!)

Disclaimer: I do not own the lyrics of the song, it's "Hallelujah" by L. Cohen. (I wish I could write something so beautiful!)


The day was almost coming to an end, the sunset was painting the sky with pale pink and orange strokes, making the whole firmament look like a child's dream. The air was fresh and smelled of flowers – it was late April and the spring had already bloomed in the city with all its colours – and the last passers-by were hurrying home after a long day of work in their crowded shops or dusty offices.

Thomas and James were ambling towards Madison's house to discuss some papers they needed to sign, their workday was far from being over – luckily for them, they could discuss everything in front of a glass of wine, no need to be formal. Out of a sudden, a soft tapping on a window's glass made the two men stop. James looked through the shop's wide windows and smiled, gesturing Thomas to wait a minute; he waved at someone inside and stopped to chat happily with a man Thomas didn't know. Jefferson sighed softly and leaned on the wall nearby, waiting for his friend while looking absent-mindedly at the people passing by. Suddenly, a familiar loud voice made his head snap to the side and he quickly scanned the people who were crowding the other side of the alley to find the source of the sound.

Now I've heard there was a secret chord

That David played, and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth

The minor falls, the major lifts

The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Thomas tensed when he finally found the person he was looking for – he was waiting out of a store with his kids, talking to them with his usual enthusiastic voice and pointing at the sky, a smile on his handsome face and his stunning eyes catching the shades of the sunset. Thomas had to remind himself to breathe as Alexander slowly looked away from the burning sky and turned, looking straight at him. Thomas saw the other man stiffening at once, but neither of them broke eye contact – they looked right into the other's soul, reading one another as they'd always done before. Thomas was overwhelmed by memories at once. That late November's Cabinet Meeting when they'd almost come to blows, fighting like two children until Washington had stopped them and sent them away; Hamilton following him outside, shouting at him that he was crazy and Francophile while he'd tried to ignore him as long as he could; the turn in that damned dark alley where he'd grabbed Hamilton by the collar and had kissed him with all the passion he would have put into another fight.

Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw him bathing on the roof

His beauty and the moonlight overthrew him

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