Chapter 1

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       'Life will drag you down so much. Even the strongest people may not make it out alive.'
      He would say to me.    
My names Faye, I would tell you my last name but I have never been very fond of it. I tied up my hair, some would say I look quite strange but I think I look beautiful. My slightly wavy red hair just hitting mid back while my emerald green eyes sparkle in the light, and my freckles just covering my nose and part of my cheeks. I have a small nose, almost looks like a button, my lips aren't thin but they aren't full either.
Ive never been a proper lady except when I'm around mother. She hopes one day I can marry into the royal family. Like I would want to marry that snobby douchebag. I laid in my bed that night, pondering, thinking about how my life would be if I told people about my abilities. Mother tells me if I told anyone I would be killed so I never thought past that until today. I walked down are creaky wooden stairs to ask her once more before head off to bed. When I got there I knew something was wrong right away, she was as white as a ghost I also took notice in the letter.
"Hello mother, what's that you're holding?" I asked curiosity fuming inside of me.
"Oh its nothing dear." She said with tears threatening to fall.
   I knew she was lying, its become a habit since father left on his work trip. I didn't want to ask her my question after that, I knew she was worried about father. Worry is only a small emotion, I'm terrified for him. Both mother and father are born of magical blood which means I'm was born of pure magical blood since neither of them went black blood. When you go black blood it means you've done the ritual to turn your blood black and causes you to only feel and do evil, once the ritual is complete there's no going back. I walk back up the stairs to our bedroom, my whole family shares a room since were on the more poor side. There are spells to conjure some money but long ago the King locked up the great wizard and forced him to put up a barrier around the kingdom. The spell not only protects the kingdom but it also alerts the guards if there's any use of magic within the area. I crawled into my blankets and closed my eyes.
I woke up the next morning bright and early ready to start the day, I put on a loose green shirt with black pants and my black boots, since I didn't have to work in the village today I didn't have to wear a dress. As I walked downstairs I saw mother talking to one of the royal guards.
"Ma'am I thought you said you didn't have any children." The taller guard said.
"I don't, this is my...sister." mother said, her voice shaky.
I could tell they knew she was lying and I knew what question they were going to ask me. In our culture the children must not know there parents name until after marriage. They were going to ask me for mothers name.
"I'm guessing you know what question were going to ask you?" The stubbier guard asks.
"Whats you sisters name?" The taller guard questions.
"Athena." I said with an attempt of confidence, obviously failed.
"Kill them." The taller guard says with a smile.
Not seconds after mother lifts her hands up and a chair flys up and hits the stubbier guard.
"THEY HAVE MAGIC." The taller guard yells.
Seconds later five more guards pile into our small cottage. I was able to keep the guards away from me but due to mothers old age she was caught right way. There was so much noise I had to yell for her to hear anything.
"MOTHER!" I yell, fear traced around my voice.
I knock the last guard down and run like she told me, moments later I hear her scream I knew what they had done, I knew they had pierced a metal sword right through her heart. I didn't let the tears fall they can wait, I needed to get out of the kingdom. I ran for a few more hours after that I needed to be sure. I saw the sun was setting soon so I found a tree to rest at for the night.
"I can't believe mothers dead." I thought

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