Chapter 6

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(The Cabin)
Caspian's POV:
I sat on my cot but instead of reading my book I start to make a plan to save Faye. I know what they do to magic born people. It my fault, they're probably beating information out of her. Maybe the guards are on there way here now, no Faye wouldn't break that easily which means she's been hurt worse that normal witches and wizards.
"This is my fault." I speak up
Oberon and Flynn look at me surprised for a second because I haven't spoke since Faye was taken.
"Don't take the blame, it's all our faults." Oberon says
I ran out of the room and went down to the river she would always sit by. I started playing with the water like I used to.
(FlashBack 10 years prior)
"Caspian, what on earth are you doing out here." the queen asked
"I was just playing in the water." Caspian responded
"You must not get yourself dirty, you must look like a royal." the queen responded
"But I don't want to be royal." Caspian whined
"Well that's to bad, you were born into it so you stay in it." the queen said fiercely
The queen would take young Caspian into the castle to get cleaned up. He never met anyone his own age, even though he was royal he was a complete loner.
(FlashBack End)
"Why'd you have to get caught Faye?" I spoke to the water
I spent the rest of the day sitting by the lake. She's been in captive for 5 days surely she's starving. When dusk fell I decided I would sleep outside by the lake. I fell asleep to the sound of crickets.

I woke up to a very loud noise, sounded like a gunshot. I slowly climbed up the small hill but stopped when I saw two castle guards standing by a now broken door of the house.
"Can we help you?" Flynn asked
I got down low enough so they can't see me but I can hear them still.
"We're here in search of the Prince." The taller guard asked.
I knew what Flynn was capable of, I know that he knows I'm the Prince, and he must've told Oberon.
"Well you're out of luck he's not here, haven't seen him ever actually." Flynn says
"We're still searching your house." The stubbier guard said
After about a fifteen minute search they couldn't find me so they left. I stayed by the river for extra precaution. I skipped rocks all morning and didn't say a word to anyone. I already had made a plan, Faye doesn't have complete control of her magic at some point there going to combust and she'll escape by herself. It was just a waiting game for now, I knew she needed us there when she did escape, she won't have enough strength to even walk.
Just a waiting game.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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