Chapter 3

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It been a few days since my talk with Oberon, the stranger still hasn't woke. Ive been training everyday and haven't had a sign of magic since the day I rescued the man. Oberon and Flynn weren't there so who's to believe me for all they know I'm a fraud.
It's now Midweek and I have a day off but I was still told to try and resurface my magic, I sit by the stream and run my fingers through the water hoping for something to spark. Maybe I am a fake, but both of my parents are of magical blood and I'm born of pure magical blood.
"WHY ISNT THIS WORKING!" I scream frustrated.
At that moment a red mist starts to surround me and I feel power grow inside me. I start to float just a little and the red mist is still glowing beautifully around me making me appear like a goddess. I felt energy flow through my body. I felt as if all the power in the world was coursing through my veins. After awhile the red fades and I left standing still in the grass.
"I really did that." I thought to myself.
I ran back up to the house to tell the boys what had happened, I had become close friends with them over the days I've stayed here, I share everything with them.
"Flynn, Oberon!" I yell happily
"It's your day off, what are you doing her?" Flynn asked questionably.
"Yeah, shouldn't you be down by that river you're always by? Oberon says.
"My magic...its works...It finally works." I say out of breathe
"I knew it, I knew it." Oberon says joyfully.
We stood there  for many hours while I showed them the small spell I could generate, soon dusk fell and I headed upstairs to go to bed. I put my hair up into a loose ponytail and took my shirt off so I was only wearing a tank top and my black pants. My hard wood bed awaited me, I jumped in but before I could close my eyes I heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. I was reluctant at first because going downstairs last time killed my mother. Soon my curiosity took me over and I had to see what was happening. I hopped out of my bed and made my way downstairs to check out the source of the noise. When I get downstairs I find the stranger holding a pan and Flynn and Oberon trying to calm him. After my initial shock wears off I step forward to see if I can calm him.
"Hey Hey Hey were not going to hurt." I say calmly
"How do I know your not lying." The stranger says
"Because I know what you are." I blurt
I noticed his eyes first when I saw him. They look normal at first but when you really look into them anyone could see that they're brighter than human eyes.
"What do you mean, I'm human." He said with a questionably shaky voice
"No you're not, your eyes...there like mine you have magic in your blood but there darker, one of your parents is human." I say intrigued
He looked at me for a second before a wave of shock took over his face.
"He saw my eyes." I thought "He knows"
I soon came out of my thoughts when the man started talking.
"You're born of pure blood? I've never met one before there supposedly extinct." He says
"Well they're not." I said
"My names Faye, yours?" I ask him
"Pri...Caspian, my names Caspian." He tells me nervously
I looked at him wearily for a minute before I pushed it away.
"It's late you can sleep on the cot for now until we can get you a bed." I tell him
He nods and I go to make sure Flynn and Oberon are okay. Once I make sure no one was injured I go to check if Caspian needed anything but when I there he was asleep. I smiled a little watching him sleep.
"Stop it Faye, don't be creepy he's just a guy." I say under my breathe
I could swear I saw him frown but when a yawn grew inside of me I decided I should get some sleep. I headed back upstairs and laid back down on my bed. Before I could close my eyes a wave of thoughts crushed through my head. Is my father still alive? Is Caspian a good guy? What word was Caspian going to say before he told me his name? Did I really just meet someone of my own kind? What kind of journey will come? After awhile sleep overtook me and I was greeted with a familiar darkness.

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