21: Plead

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Zhan's arms snaked from behind him, a pull Yibo didn't expect. But it was different from the usual hug Zhan gives. It felt heavy and grim for no clear reason. Zhan clung to him like he needed to be recharged, like he needed a boost of compassion.

Yibo stayed still and quiet letting Zhan cradle him as he desired.

His curious eyes explored around the expanse of what seemed to be an art studio. The orange gold stretch of the settling sun's rays created fiery hearths, baring silhouettes of the stacks of canvasses which have long been abandoned and unused.

"That..." Yibo sucked in a breath.

There, on the centre of the hall was Sean Xiao's Maiden's Soul striking Yibo's sight like a sore thumb, begging to be acknowledged.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Why does Zhan has Sean Xiao's work? Why does he has the access to that studio?

"Y-You're him?" He mumbled, eyes wide, tone with hint of doubt and surprise.

Zhan's body vibrated against him, a courtesy nervous laugh escaping through his mouth. But his attempt to calm himself down worked otherwise. His arms loosened around Yibo and his shaky fingers did a messy run on his hair.

"I was." Zhan's answer was quiet. His shoulder slumped and his face was darkened by remorse.

Yibo casted a glance at him, lost for words, a heavy feeling brewing in his stomach.

He strolled around, stalling silence, while he digested Zhan's disclosure. 'Wei Zhan was Sean Xiao?!' What an overwhelming discovery! Implausible and incredible!

Yibo take in the mess of what is supposed to be a remarkable atelier making legendary art pieces, but has now been forsaken.

He ran his fingers on the canvases, dirt pooled under his fingertips. His eyebrow raised in query but Zhan was still in the shadows of his turmoil unable to give him answers.

Thus, Yibo just continued scouting Sean Xiao's base.

Arts were all over the place as if a chaos has ensued. Some easels stand up straight in its glory on several corners, holding unfinished pieces. He scrutinized one and saw the wavering and uncontrolled brushstrokes of its artist. "What happened?" He couldn't stop himself from asking Zhan who silently stood at his side.

Zhan dodged Yibo's stare and diverted his eyes to the floor. He was visibly holding his breath as a subset of fear tackled his pride and courage. "I can't paint anymore."

The sky is turning into the swath of the night and Zhan vividly remembered what had happened 3 years ago.

Hiding under the pseudonym Sean Xiao, Zhan was only responsible for producing his craft. The demands for managing Sean Xiao's affairs were run by his Manager. She was good at her work, and Zhan saw passion and dedication in her. So he trusted her.

But maybe he shouldn't have. Or at least not too much.

Not too long, she got ahead of herself dealing with all of Sean Xiao's art pieces. She stopped consulting Zhan for his aims or opinions and just do what she wanted with the arts he was making. Money and fame blinded her, the two things Zhan didn't care about.

Not when one day, Zhan saw his substandard and shabby painting published in an art magazine and was even displayed in The Met Museum. The Maiden's Soul, his manager even had the guts to name his deplorable art! "A disgrace." Zhan gritted his teeth, clutching his fist remembering how he felt exactly back then. Blood boiled through his veins, the feeling was awful and excruciating.

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