Chapter 3: The Chimera

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Marick's POV:
I was still at the rock quarry when my head started hurting and I could feel something taking over. "No, no, NOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted as every went black.

With Vida and Maddison...

Vida's POV:
"Marick! Where are you?" I called out, "Vida, I've never seen you this worried about someone before. What's up?" Maddy asked, "Honestly, I don't know. There's something about Marick that just feels familiar. Have we met him before?" I asked, "I don't think so. Maybe we met him when we were kids." Maddy suggested, "Maybe. Marick!" I called out again. I then saw Marick's flute, "Maddy, it's Marick's flute." I said as I picked it up and I felt a connection to Marick as I saw him at a rock quarry, "I know where he is. Come on." I said as Maddy and I went to the rock quarry and there was no sign of Marick. "I don't get it. I felt him here." I said, "V, Maddy, you better check this out." Xander said as he led us to a spot where I saw Marick and there were two sets of footprints. One set were Marick's and the other set were something else. "Something got to Marick first. Whatever it was, it's big." Nick said as we all heard a growl and turned to see a monster with multiple animal features. "AH, the Power Rangers of Briarwood. Perhaps you can help me, I'm looking for the Wild Force Rangers. Tell me where they are, or I will destroy you and your city." It said as it glared at us with dark yellow eyes, "Who are you? Where's Marick?" I asked, "Call me Chimera, and as for this Marick fellow, you'll never see him again. He's my prisoner for all eternity." Chimera said as he showed us Marick's Morpher. 'Vida, put my mask on. I can help defeat this creature. I can sense something familiar about this Chimera.' Sen-Ra said to me as my silver wolf necklace glowed, "If this will help find Marick, then let's do it." I said as I took off the necklace and the necklace turned into a silver mask, "Oh, the Silver Wolf mask. Give it to me. You can't handle it's power." Chimera said, "You're not getting anything from us." I said as I put on the mask and I felt Sen-Ra and myself become one.

Sen-Ra's POV:
Once Vida put on my mask; we became one. My spirit is now bound to hers, just like Zen-Aku's spirit is bound to Marick's spirit. "Power of the Silver Moon. I am Sen-Ra, the Silver Wolf Duke Org. Prepare for your defeat." I said as I drew my silver crescent blade and ran towards Chimera. The four Mystic force rangers powered up and joined the battle. "You rangers think you can stop me? Well here's something you didn't see coming. DARK WILD ACCESS: ECLIPSE WOLF!" Chimera said as he morphed into a dark version of the Lunar Wolf Ranger, "Eclipse Wolf Ranger. How do you like me now?" Chimera asked as he drew his blade and attacked. "This is wrong. How can he use Marick's Morpher?" Maddison asked, "I don't know, but we need to stop Chimera before he takes this battle to a populated area." I said as I felt Vida become worried for Marick. I then felt my brother's presence and it was coming from, Chimera. "Rangers, I have a theory. I think this Chimera is Marick." I said, "How is that possible?" Chip asked, "I feel my brother's spirit within this monster. Along with Marick's spirit, he is trapped within his own pain and suffering." I said as Chimera rushed at me, but I put my theory to the test as I switched places with Vida. When Chimera's weapon was about to strike, it stopped.

Chimera's POV:
"What? Why can't I harm you?" I asked as my arms wouldn't finish the blow to the pink ranger. "Marick, I know you're in there. You have to fight this." The pink Ranger said, "There is no Marick. Only Chimera." I said, but I felt something, and I knew who it was. "Son of Red and White Wild Force." I said as his spirit was brought forth in Zen-Aku's armor. "I won't let you harm my first real friends. Zen-Aku has given me this chance to fight as him to get my body back. I won't waste this chance." Marick said as he drew the crescent blade from his back and slashed at Chimera, "Give me back my body." Marick said as he and Chimera continued their battle.

Third Person POV:
Marick and Chimera continued their battle as neither would let up in their attacks. Vida watched in awe of the battle taking place. "Isn't there anything we can do?" Maddy asked, "I don't know." Vida said. Marick knelt down as he was taking in heavy breaths, "Running out of breath? Too bad, I was hoping for a challenge." Chimera said as he summoned a dark version of the lion blaster, "Dark Lion Blaster, aim, fire!" Chimera said as he blasted Marick with a full powered blast. "Marick!" Vida shouted, "Man, that's brutal." Xander said, "We have to do something." Chip said as they saw Marick not getting up, "He's not getting up. We have to help him. Ready?" Nick asked, "Ready." The others said, "Magical Source, Mystic Force!" they said together as they morphed into their ranger forms.

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