Part Nine *changed*

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*sorry about this but I wasn't happy about how the last chapter went and wanted to rewrite it, this will be quite a bit different so if you plan on continuing on I recommend read this instead :) *

I awoke a few hours later to the complete and utter silence of a hospital room and dull ache throbbing throughout my entire body. As soon as my eyes had adjusted to the much too bright lights I warily took in my surroundings, at first assuming that apart from me the room was completely empty before I noticed a familiar figure curled up in a chair which was situated in the corner of the room.

"Mo." I croaked out, not expecting my voice to sound so hoarse and cracked.

She startled awake, her gaze landing immediately on me, her eyes meeting my own. "'Keshi," She started as she stood up and began to walk towards the bed, "How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Um... My body feels sore but I think I'm fine. More importantly, what happened after I was knocked out?"

"First of all, that is not more important than your health but no one else other than you and Midoriya were hurt but Midoriya's injuries were from his own quirk anyways."

"Ah..." I averted my eyes from hers, I had been the only one injured. Was I really that weak that everyone else was able to escape unscathed?

"Hey." I felt a hand settle over my own, "No one else was singled out by both Shigaraki and the Nomu, and besides, you were the one who saved Tsuyu. If it wasn't for you she and many others would probably be dead."

"Oh. I don't think so, I'm pretty sure anyone else in our class could have done it, and probably come out of it uninjured too."

"Maybe you're right, maybe everyone there could  have saved her. But they didn't, that was you."

I guess she was right, I knew I had saved her and I think deep down I was proud of that but in that moment all I was feeling was regret and an overwhelming sense on inadequacy. I couldn't even think about how the rest of the class felt about me, they probably thought I didn't even belong there anymore, no wonder it was only Mo here.

"Where is... everyone? Like my... F- friends."

"Oh," It seemed it was Mo's turn to avert her gaze, "They stayed at school... I'm sorry, they didn't really seem interested in coming..."

"Hey, don't apologise, it's fine. Really."

She didn't reply. 

"Actually, I'm feeling kind of tired so I think I'm just going to try and nap for a bit."


I didn't sleep. As I lay on my side facing away from Mo a singular tear slid across my face, I really wanted to see them. 


Since my injuries were largely healed by the doctors with healing quirks Mo and I were able to leave that night, I was told that everything should be fine but the school wanted me to go and see Recovery Girl for first period so that she could check me over as she was much more used to working on heroes' injuries.

That night my sleep was broken, inter-spliced with nightmares. I usually never had dreams, never-mind nightmares so I wasn't used to the complete and utter dread that resonated throughout me every time that I closed my eyes. It was as if the backs of my eyelids were covered with the images of my own friends and classmates being murdered while I could do nothing to help them, frozen in fear I could only watch as the villains slaughtered each and every one of them.

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