First day of School...

37 1 0

Izuku's POV

I was walking in this stupid uniform. At least Eri can wear what she wants. I get to the principal's office to see a mouse there. Great. The principal is the smartest thing on earth.

"Hello. We're the new students."


"H-Hi" Eri says going behind me

"I see you have a few scars......Come here....." we both sit on the chairs in front of his desk and he holds Eri hands up.

Eri starts to tremble and I start to growl. I may be an omega but I'm strong because I have 10 quirks.

"Do not worry....I won't harm you.."

I stop growling and Eri stops shaking. The mouse puts band aids on her hands and then does the same with me.

"After school I'll have one of our top students bring you to recovery girl's office to heal these wounds.

"I can heal her wounds but not my own."

"I can rewind her wounds but I can't control my quirk..."

"Do you mind telling me your quirks you to"

"My quirk is called rewind...I can rewind people to the point they didn't exist....I accidentally did it to my father...."

"I have 10 quirks..."

"Can you name them?"

"Healing, Witchcraft, Black Flame, Fire Shift, Animal, Vampire, Teleportion, Neko, Mermaid, and Telekinesis."

"I know all of those quirks and what they do. They are very powerful."

"Thank you."

"Now follow me to the kid room and class 1-A!!"



We get up and follow the mouse down the hall. His office is on the top floor.

"Welcome to the Play room....."

"I'm Eri Midorya, sir..."

"Alright Eri!!! I hope you enjoy the playroom!!"

I let go of Eri's hand and she walks in then walks out and hugs me

"I forgot to hug you goodbye!! Have a good day!!"

"You too Eri.."

"And if you want Izuku you can be a part time healer."

"I'd like that as long as it's not going to become inappropriate."

"I'll make sure it isn't. What kind of wound can you heal?"

"Any. I can even cure blind, mute and deaf people. If they weren't born that way and I can heal any quirk malfunctions. I can heal any kind of wound."

"That's a cool quirk. You can heal more wounds then recovery girl."

"Thank you I guess. Eri can Rewind a wound but she doesn't know how to inactivate her quirk..."

"I see if she wants she can have training with your teacher. His quirk is erase so I'm sure nothing bad will happen."

"I would love that!!"

"Now Eri go play in the play room I'll come pick you up to go to lunch okay?"


"And then she'll pick you up after school after dropping you off when lunch is done!!"

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