Chapter 1

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The Confederate Fleet emerged from Hyperspace.  The Republic starships were forming a strong blockade around the planet. But they were caught by surprise. The Invisible Hand started quiclkly to shoot down the enemy forces.

'Target the closest Republic cruiser!

'Roger roger!

On the Venator Star-Destroyer,  Jedi Master Keda Shade was surprised to see enemies coming. She hasn't seen before the flagship that was leading the attack. She was wondering who was leading them. Her thoughts were intrerupted by her padawan, a 18 years old girl.


'What is it Ashyla?

'The separatists have already targeted down the other Venator. Their fleet is powerfull enough to destroy us.

'Trust the Force, my young padawan. We will overcome these odds.

'I feel something dark approaching...

'I sensed it too. It is perhaps why the Confederacy came. This planet is an unusual nexus of darkside. However, I don't sense any Sith...

The comlink started beeping.

'Yes, Captain?

'General, the enemy destroyer is coming to us. They are going to board our ship.

'They are bold.

'I'm wondering who's applying such a tactic. It's not very succesfull.

'Don't worry. Their failure will help us.

An explosion made the Jedi fall to their feet.

'They are anchored to us! Sector 13 is going to be breached!

'We are heading there right now, Captain!

The two females started running through the corridors...

Grievous was walking to the inter-connecting bridge that linked the two flagships. His magnaguards were waiting. A full detachement of super battle droids started to march the bridge, blasting the enemies on the other side.

'You won't intervene unless I need help.

'Yes, General!

The magnaguards activated their electro-staffs and followed Grievous slowly.

The General entered the Venator ship, slicing the clones with little effort. After a few moments, they were all dead, and the super battle droids were storming in. A scream caught the General's eye. The two female Jedi were stopping the droid advance. Covering most of his body and his lightsaber unde the dark cloak, Grievous approached his enemies.

'Master, why is that droid wearing a cloak?

The two of them noticed him.

'Jedi... he growled.

'Don't worry, he's probably a new one.

'I am not a droid!

Grievous unfolded his arms and ignited two lightsabers. Both Jedi remained dumbfounded. He roared and attacked them. Swinging his weapons, Keda Shade was forced to fall back while the padawan retreated in her back.

'Your life ends here, slime!

Grievous used his claw to kick the padawan. The Master remained alone against his untiring torrent of hits and slashes.

'Ashyla, run!

The padawan wanted to come back and help, but Keda used a force push and locked the door behind. Grievous used the moment to disarm the Jedi and choke her. Struggling to breath, Keda was surprised to see two golden eyes watch her. They were cold and unforgiving, alien in a reptilian way. Grievous punched her in the wall, letting her lay down wounded. Picking his lightsaber, he looked at the magnaguards.

'Make her suffer!

He left while the magnaguards started to poke and electrocute her. Her screams reached the other side where her padawan heared with horror the last moments of her beloved master. She ran away to the the escape pods.

Back on the venator's Command Bridge, Grievous entered and sliced all the republic officers and captains. The droids quickly sent the hacked informations back to the Invisible Hand.


Grievous looked at the monitor where droid pointed out.

'There are survivors running to the escape pods!

Grievous saw the padawan among the clones running.

'Try to stop them if possible. However, their lives are meaningless. We will hunt down the escape pods after the battle is finished.

'Yes, General!

After that, he returned back to the Invisible Hand and resumed his post as leader of the space fight. The Republic were easily crushed by the Separatist's superiority. Grievous delighted at the scene. He observed that a few escape pods managed to escape and fled to the planet's surface. He was going to deal with them later.

The holocom started beeping in the Command Centre. The General answered and bowed before Darth Sidious.

'My lord!

'How does your battle fare General?

'Very well! The Republic are almost destroyed and Keda Shade is dead.

'Any witnesses that saw you are alive?

'Well... the padawan of the Jedi Master managed to escape the battle, fleeing to Vjun's surface.

'You must not let her survive! Your existence is not to be revealed yet to our adversaries... land on Vjun and kill the padawan!

'As you wish, Lord Sidious!

'Be careful, General... that planet has many dark secrets... many which are still uncovered. Take precaution!

Sidious closed the link. Grievous looked back at the windows and saw the last Aclamator-ship exploding. His task was almost finished.

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