Home, Kind Of

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It was a normal Fall Friday evening. Leaves colorful, mist, and the sun is setting quickly. I like this, i'm missing something. "I thought I saw you over here, what are you doing here?!", Valerie said. That's what I was missing, my best friend. "Just came here to think, now that you're here let's have some fun", I said. I got up from my spot on the tree where I sit every day and write about my life. We were both laughing and ran over to the playground a little away from where we were. We went up the steps and at the same time, went down the slide. It was the best feeling, spending time with someone who makes you happy. After we went on everything at the playground we walked back home. "You know we have school tomorrow Meadow, it's almost 2:00 in the morning, we should really get some sleep.", Valerie said. "Can i sleep at your house Val, i'm too tired to walk to my house and yours is so close." "Yeah of course you can." We made it to Valerie's small gray house and entered. Her dad was cutting strawberries in the kitchen. "Hello Meadow, nice to see you. Do you girls want some fruit?!", Mr. Summers said. "No, we're good dad", Valerie called out from the other room. I went over to Valerie and lit a candle. We sat on her bed and she turned the tv on. "That new show Family Ties just aired, wanna watch it?" "Sure." The new show started playing on the tv and it was really good. Ten minutes later we were passed out on her bed.

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