Chapter 2: Deja Vu

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When the ferry came into port on Chen's island every one got off and followed Clouse to where Chen waited for the group. Once everyone was in place, Kai scanned around with his eyes. Why was everything so familiar? As he looked around, Chen explained the tournament, but Kai wasn't paying attention. He was to busy racking his brain.

"Kai, pay attention." Lloyd said, letting his hand glide down Kai's arm while getting the red ninja's attention. "Oh, thanks." Kai said, blushing as he focused on Chen just in time for Chen to explain the part about the jade blades. Chen then had everyone lead to their rooms, Lloyd letting Garmadon stay with him since that was his dad.

All the ninja enjoyed looking around their rooms. Jay was excited by how teched out his room was, Lloyd enjoyed his room and so did Garmadon, Cole was not so happy about his stone bed, but he at least enjoyed all the free food. Especially the cake. As for Kai, he looked around his room while almost feeling disappointed. It was themed to his element of fire, but he just didn't at home in it. It looked cool at least.

Kai then went out to his balcony and looked over what he could see. Why was everything so familiar? And why did this not feel like his room? He almost felt like his real room was somewhere else, but where? This is the room he was showed to, so what was going on?

When Skylor walked out on her balcony and saw Kai, she smiled. "Kai, I didn't know we were neighbors." She said kindly and Kai looked to her, a bit shocked. "Oh, neither did I." He said with a chuckle. "Well, can... Can I come clean about something?" Kai asked and she nodded, growing confused yet curious.

"I don't know why, but you look really familiar. Heck, I kind of already knew your name before you told it to me, but I have no clue what's going on. I never set foot outside of my home village before Sensei Wu came to find me and I'm sure I'd remember if I met you before anyways." Kai admitted and she seemed to think. "That is odd, but then again I mistook you for my twin. Perhaps you know someone that kind a looks like me? And has the same name?" She offered and he shrugged.

"That's the thing. The island and everything is familiar too. I've been in a constant state of deja vu since I got here. Even Master Chen and that Clouse guy seem really familiar." Kai went on and Skylor grew more confused. This wasn't normal. Could it be more then just a coincidence that Kai looks so much like Skielar? Even his name. Kai. It could be considered a nickname for Skielar now that she thinks about it, but he acted like he'd never heard the name before. She'd have to look into things a bit more.

"That is odd. And you're sure you've never heard the name Skielar before?" She asked him, wanting to make sure. "I... I'm not sure anymore. The name is really familiar to. I... I don't think I'd be surprised if I wound up responding to it, but it's just so confusing." Kai said in answer, lifting a hand to hold his head, all this was giving him a serious case of deja vu that left him with huge headache.

Kai and Skylor talked a bit more, mostly Skylor asking about his life growing up in his home village with Nya. This continued until the two got onto the subject of past relationships some how.

"Wait, wait, wait. So, this guy actually thought he'd get away with flirting with your friend? Your friend that was extremely loyal to you and told you right away?" Kai asked and Skylor chuckled. "Yup, I didn't believe her at first, but then she managed to get it on video. Needless to say I dumped him real quick and treated her to dinner for the next moth." Skylor said and Kai chuckled. "Damn, that guy was stupid!" He said and she chuckled.

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