Chapter 3

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Leafkit and Willowkit walked to the nursery, Ashfeather and her kits were asleep in one of the corners.

Leafkit and Willowkit laid down beside each other in the middle of the nursery.

-Good night, Leafkit mumbled to Willowkit.

The brown kit curled up in her bed with Willowkit beside her.

Leafkit felt Willowkit spin around, she was worried about something.

-What is it? Leafkit whispered.

-I can't sleep, Willowkit answered and sat up, can you tell me a story about me dad?

Willowkit's dad had died before she was born, his name was Duststar. He had been the leader before Snowstar.

-Ok, I'll tell you everything I know about him, Leafkit meowed, when Duststar had been a warrior he was called Dustfeather. He was a respected warrior in the clan and one of the senior warriors. Brightflame and Dustfeather were apprentices together and they often trained together. When Dustfeather became leader of Thunderclan, Brightflame became one of his senior warriors and they both fell in love.

-But how did he die? Willowkit asked, her eyes shined in the dark.

-He was on a patrol when they met a Riverclan patrol, the two patrols fought and much blood was spilled, Leafkit meowed.

-Duststar got knocked into the river under the fight and drowned, none of the Riverclan cats tried to help him, Leafkit explained, after that, Snowstar became leader and you were born. Brightflame was heartbroken and grieved very much, but she was also glad because she had got you.

Leafkit saw Willowkit trying to hide an enormous yawn but failed.

-I'm not tired! Willowkit meowed fast.

-Stop lie, it's time to sleep now, Leafkit meowed and laid down. Willowkit laid down beside her.

-Good night, Leafkit whispered and laid her tail over her nose.

Leafkit fell asleep fast, when she opened her eyes again she wasn't in Thunderclan's nursery longer. She was in a forest, it was dark and foggy. Leafkit saw a light from behind a tree, she started to run towards it but when she came closer the light turned up behind a bush.

-Hello? Leafkit meowed.

There came no answer so Leafkit walked slowly toward the light behind the bush.

When she was one tail-length away from the light when it turned red. Leafkit could hear pawsteps from behind her and she turned around.

She could hear voices from behind the tree she stod behind.

Leafkit crept forward slowly as she saw a small darkbrown tabby tom and a bright orange tom fight. Blood splashed around then when they fought. Their claws were unsheltered and they had open wounds on their bodies.

Suddenly the darkbrown cat fell to the ground, the orange sheltered his claws and backed off.

The darkbrown tom laid on the ground and panted. His wounds were bleeding worse than before.

Why do you want me to see this, Starclan? Leafkit thought.

-Is that all you can? the orange tom meowed as he began to lick his wounds.

The darkbrown tabby tom said nothing, instead he sniffed in the air.

He turned to the tree Leafkit stood behind and unsheltered his claws.

-Who's there? the darkbrown tom meowed and he sniffed in the air again. Leafkit froze and didn't dare to breath.

The brown tom creeped towards the tree.

I'm going to die, Leafkit thought and prayed to Starclan.

The darkbrown tom spotted Leafkit's lightbrown pelt and threw himself on Leafkit.

-What are you doing Tigerkit? the orange tom asked.

-This kit was spying on us! Tigerkit hissed and gave Leafkit a deep wound on her shoulder.

-Stop it! the orange tom meowed, let her explain what she's doing here instead of killing her.

Tigerkit released Leafkit and backed away from her, his amber eyes glared at Leafkit.

-So, why are you spying on us? the orange tom asked and unsheltered his claws. Leafkit understood that it was a sign for her to not try to escape.

-I-i don't know why i'm here! When I fell asleep in my bed I woke up here, Leafkit answered with fear in her voice, She knew what these cats could do to her.

-She is scared, Leafkit heard Tigerkit whisper to the orange tom.

The orange tom pretended to not hear what Tigerkit just had said, instead he stared at Leafkit.

-I want to do some tests on you, if you complete those tasks you will play an important role in this story, the orange tom meowed, by the way, I'm Sparkstar, former leader of Riverclan.

Leafheart and Tigertail: The change of clans (PAUSED)Where stories live. Discover now