Chapter 4

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-Now leave! Both of you! Sparkstar shouted and began to disappear.

Leafkit closed her eyes and opened them again, she was back in her bed in the nursery.

Willowkit was taping on Leafkit with her paw.

-What is it? Leafkit asked her cousin.

-You have a wound on your shoulder, Willowkit meowed and pointed with her tail at Leafkit's shoulder.

A deep wound was bleeding on Leafkit's shoulder as Willowkit had said.

-I better go to Hawkfeather's den, Leafkit muttered and limped to the medicine cat den.

Hawkfeather was sorting herbs and didn't notice Leafkit.

-Comfrey... cobweb... horsetail... the medicine cat mumbled as he sorted the herbs.

-Hawkfeather, Leafkit meowed and walked into the den.

Hawkfeather turned around and saw the wound on Leafkit's shoulder.

-Sit down so I can take a look at the wound, Hawkfeather meowed and turned to his herbs again.

Hawkfeather took some cobweb and another herb Leafkit didn't recognise.

The medicine cat chewed the herb and laid it on Leafkit's wound, then he put some cobweb over it.

-It hurts! Leafkit hissed when Hawkfeather applied the herb on her wound.

-I know, but you will feel better soon, Hawkfeather meowed, but how did you get such a deep wound when you were sleeping?

-I don't know, Leafkit muttered and walked out of Hawkfeather's den. She didn't want to tell the medicine cat the truth, the meeting with Sparkstar and Tigerkit should be a secret.

Leafkit walked back to the nursery, she saw Willowkit playfight with Sandkit.

When the two younger kits saw Leafkit they stopped playing.

-Can you play with us? Sandkit asked and sat down.

-I don't think I have time for that, I'm going to be an apprentice today, Leafkit answered. She didn't want the wound to start to bleed again.

-Why didn't you tell me that before? Willowkit meowed shocked.

-I didn't want to worry you more, Leafkit meowed, I think my ceremony will be at sunhigh.

Willowkit mumbled something as an answer and jumped on Sandkit. Sandkit lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Willowkit looked proud of her sudden attack.

Leafkit watched the kits play for some minutes and then walked to the nursery for some sleep.

Just as Leafkit laid down she could hear Snowstar call from the Highrock.

-Let's all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Hightrock for a clanmeeting! Snowstar shouted.

Leafkit walked to the Highrock and sat down in front of Ashfeather, Willowkit rushed towards her and sat down beside Leafkit.

When everyone had gathered beneath the Highrock Snowstar started to talk again.

-I've called you together for one of the most important moments in the life of a Clan, Snowstar began, Leafkit step forward.

Leafkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Leafpaw. Your mentor will be Leopardpelt. I hope Leopardpelt will pass down all he knows on to you.

-Leafpaw! Leafpaw! the clan shouted. Leafpaw could hear Willowkit shout the highest of them all.

-Leopardpelt, Snowstar flicked his tail towards the Thunderclan deputy, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have received excellent training from Volefoot, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and brave. You will be the mentor of Leafpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Leafpaw.

I got the clan deputy as a mentor! Leafpaw thought.

Leopardpelt jumped down from his place on the Highrock and touched noses with Leafpaw.

-I'll listen to everything you say, Leafpaw whispered to her mentor.

-I know you will, Leopardpelt meowed and gave Leafpaw a smile.

-Leafpaw! Leafpaw! Leafpaw! Leafpaw! the new apprentice's clanmates shouted.

Leopardpelt jumped on the Highrock again to wait for the clanmeeting to end, Leafpaw sat down beside Willowkit again.

-I have one more thing to say, all patrol will have to watch for signs of a rogue on the border to Shadowclan. Dandelionmist's patrol chased away him yesterday but he can come back, Snowstar meowed, Clan dismissed!

Snowstar jumped down from the Highrock and walked into his den.

Leopardpelt jumped down from his place on the Highrock and walked to Leafpaw who stood in front of the Highrock.

-I just need to talk to Snowstar and then we are going to explore our territory, Leopardpelt meowed and walked into Snowstar's den.

Leafpaw nodded and sat down, Willowkit rushed towards Leafpaw with Sandkit behind her.

-Congratulations Leafpaw! Willowkit and Sandkit shouted at the same time.

-Thank you both, Leafpaw answered and smiled at the kits.

-Can you play with us now? Willowkit asked and flicked her tail towards the nursery.

-Sorry, me and Leopardpelt are going to explore our territory soon, Leafpaw answered just as Leopardpelt walked out from Snowstar's den.

-You never have time to play with us now when you are an apprentice! Willowkit muttered and glared at Leopardpelt who stood behind Leafpaw.

-Are you ready to go? the clan deputy asked.

-I'm so excited! Leafpaw meowed and jumped on her paws.

-Let's go then! Leopardpelt meowed and started to run towards the thornentrance.

Leafkit is now Leafpaw :D


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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