Human accessories and croc bandits.

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Garret looked up at the stairs in disappointment as the sounds of laughter and running was very clear to hear. He felt shame and guilt as he realized he didn't notice anyone following him here but he especially felt angry at himself for not shutting the hatch when he came in here, he shook his head and clenched his fist as he let go of the handle to the next room and started walking back up the stairs.

His walk took him back up the stairs which he just traversed down, he wasn't happy about going down them in the first time but now he's down pushed that he has to walk up then again just to kick someone out and then go right back down, it pissed him off to no end. He thought that maybe he should just lock the place up and go back to the palace after because he knew that it was gonna take him a while to get this place back in working order. The Android should be able to do all the work if he gets then on but he highly doubts that they still run, they might but it's unlikely.

As he passed the levels he noticed that the laughter wasn't the only thing he heard but they were also opening doors and either going inside or just looking at them and gasping in delight which made him hope they weren't damaging anything. Luckily he was only on level five and the stairs went up about only 40 feet at best so it didn't take him long to walk up the stairs, he couldn't but wonder who it was though. Maybe it was a group of pigs or crocs that found the hole and jumped in or it could be a lost person who just wondered in the woods and found this place. He would soon find out and he hoped they weren't bandits,

Because if they were they weren't gonna get off easy.


Fung and his crocodile gang were looking around this weird beholding in the ground with happy expressions, finally they had a place where they could stay and keep all their treasures. So far ever since they shut themselves in this place with that Cheetah still outside they've looking around this place and they liked what they saw.

They found a place for them to stay and a room for them to put all the precious artifacts, the room had a big hole in the middle of it with dirty water. They thought that was a stupid idea, just jump in the river duh. They just need to figure out how to drain the hole and Score they got a treasure vault. Some of his gang were worried that this all belonged to someone but Fung just said they'll beat him up and take it from him or her.

Fung was in the so called "pool room", or whatever that meant he couldn't read, and was relaxing on one of the chairs in the room. He looked around the dimly lit room with a curious expression as his Croc bandits swam in the dirty water, he rolled his eyes and sat up from the comfortable chair.

"Guys why are you swimming in that?" He asked with an annoyed tone, as usual. Many found his voice annoying but he couldn't figure out why, oh well they were losers anyway.

"Because it's fun." One of his gang said, his eye lopsided and not looking in the way it should. Fung shook his head and stood up from the chair and walked over to the pool with his hands on his hips.

"Guys we are supposed to be planning our next heist and you are bathing. Gahh." Fung grabbed the metal hat on his head and threw it on the ground while making a yell. It clanged to the ground with a metal bang and Fung stared at it for a moment before picking it back up and putting it back on.

"Boss, there's three of us. The rest are either dead or arrested, I don't think we're doing a heist for a while." Another one said making Fung give him an angry look. Fung was about to say something when footsteps were heard outside of the door they came in.

"No you won't, In fact I strongly suggest you leave now." The voice made all three stop what they were doing and looked toward the doorway. Garret stood in the doorway with a Tanto blade in his hand, his other hand was behind his back and even though the mask was over his face Fung got the feeling he was mad.

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