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Here r few words I'll use in this ff. LOL LMAO don't mind me if i get silly.😂😂😂

Let's get silly
Ughhhhhh I know u all r trusfrated alot.

1. Motherfucker as kthermocuf or
Mf .
2. Fuck as cuf or fuck.
3. Bullshit as bullshit
4. Shit as shit
5. Holy shilt as holy shit
6. Ass as ass (hehehehehehe)
7. Bitch as bitch
8. Bastard as bastard

Love u my readers my first reader will always be tagged in all my ffs with others also so let's see who's first.
And yes if u find hard to remember those words then comment and tell me to make it normal then we'll have a voting competition where if normal writing gets more votes I'll write normal and code word gets more votes I'll use the code word.😏😏

Also " " means speaking(double inverted commas means speaking)
And ' ' means thinking (single inverted commas means thinking)
And thinking sentences will be in italic.

Love y'all 😘😘

Love y'all 😘😘------------------------------------------------------

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Hehehe I might be starting the 1st chap after 13 March.
I know its tooooooooo lonnnnnnngggg as jhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope.
But still I have exams bitches so gonna miss u till then waiting for y'all to come soon. 😭🤧😭🤧
Btw stay home and stay safe luv u 《♡A/n♡》bitches I'm so lovely, y'all so lovely, we're so lovely, everyone's lovely,
lovely, lovely, lovely.😘😘

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