Both have stomach bug {larry}

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Harry was woken up in the middle of the night by a moan coming from Louis beside him. He blinked groggily and rolled over, figuring he was probably having a bad dream But a moment later, Louis sat up suddenly.

"Lou?.." Harry asked, still not fully awake. "You alright?"

Louis swallowed hard, not responding right away. Harry's eyes adjusted to the dark and he saw that Louis was slouched over, one hand pressed against his tummy. His face was white and he looked awful.

"I... I think I'm gonna--" Suddenly he gagged and pressed a hand to his mouth, then rushed out of the room.

Worried, Harry clambered out of bed and followed him to the bathroom. Louis collapsed into the floor in front of the toilet and started throwing up. Harry was at his side a moment later, rubbing Louis' back as he hurled in the toilet bowl.

"It's okay Lou, get it all out," Harry cooed softly. Louis stopped vomiting for a moment, gasping for breath and whimpering, then started again. Harry kept comforting him, worried about why he was so unwell. He'd seemed his usual self yesturday.

Finally the vomiting eased, and Louis leaned back away from the toilet bowl. He groaned and pressed both hands over his belly. "Urge.."

Harry flushed the toilet and held his boyfriend in his arms. "Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Like hell," Louis said through gasps of breath. He closed his eyes and moaned again. "Oh God..." He wrapped both arms around his abdomen. "I've never had it this bad... ohhhh," Harry could see beads of sweat on his forehead.

Worried sick, Harry helped Louis to his feet and guided him back to bed. Once in bed, Louis curled up on his side on top of the blankets, still hugging himself, and whimpering softly.

"When did it start?" Harry asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I dunno... some point at night I woke up and my stomach hurt... then I felt sick," Louis groaned, shifting uncomfortably.

"I'm so sorry you don't feel well, Boo. I'll get a glass of water. Do you want a hot water bottle for your tummy?" Harry asked, running his fingers gently through Louis' damp hair.

Louis shook his head. "No, please no. I'm boiling." His stomach made a strange noise and he groaned again.

Harry went to the kitchen to fill a glass with water. When he came back Louis had taken off his shirt and was lying on his stomach. He was still making noises to indicate his discomfort, but he appeared to be fitfully asleep. Harry set the water on the bedside table, then leaned down and kissed Louis' forehead, tasting sweat, before climbing back into bed and beside him and falling asleep.

But the rest of the night didn't go well. Louis woke up three more times to throw up, and when he wasn't vomiting he was restless and in pain. At one point he woke Harry up crying because it hurt so bad, asking him to hold him. Harry did his best to help out, massaging Louis' tummy to help him to sleep. Harry could feel Louis' belly sticking out more than usual, indicating that he was a bit bloated too. He couldn't think of any explanation to why Louis was so unwell, but he was too tired to try anyway.

The next morning both of them slept in. Harry finally woke up to his phone ringing. it was Zayn, calling to ask when they'd be ready to come to the studio. Harry explained that Louis was sick and needed to be taken care of, so neither of them could make it to work today. In truth, Harry was so exhausted he couldn't imagine doing anything productive anyway.

"Who was that?" Louis asked once Harry hung up. Harry turned around, surprised to see Louis awake already. He still looked sick; there were circles under his eyes and his face was pale and greenish, but he didn't appear to be in as much pain anymore.

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