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I blink a few times before realising where I am. I must have fallen asleep last night whilst watching the stars. I take in a deep breath look around, it's bright so it must be quite late into the day. I stretch my legs a little and find my feet. I make my way back to the gate and take a look at the lake again. It hurts to be here, with all of the memories of Romeo. Even the ones before him, the times where I would sit here crying for hours upon end.

I shake away the feelings and lock up. I'm not sure when I'll come back here but I hope to be back soon. Dropping the key back into the bike basket, I don't bother to look down the trail to the water. I step onto the gravel and I sharp stones cling to the soles of my shoes. I guess I'm back to finding the hotel. 

I find myself back into the mains of the town and I recognise where I am. If I take a few lefts I'll be outside of the hotel. I begin to make my way down and I pick at my nails worrying if I'll come across someone from school. I was the talk of the town in summer, though I wasn't there, I know the things people would have said about me. 

Especially Harry, or Zach or any of their friends. When I saw Harry yesterday, I was so mad. I wanted to forget it but now I've seen him I know my mind will eventually give up on forgetting. The way he acted like such a good kid to my Mom too. He is the opposite of how he acted to her. If he's always around I would rather sleep on the streets. 

I rolled my eyes to myself. I don't know why I end up bothering think about him or his friends. All they did was cause me trouble. They deserve nothing from me. Not a second glance. Forget second they don't even deserve a first glance.

I look back up from the ground. My heart dropped. Of course this would happen. Only to me. If I just look back down they'll ignore me right? I sigh and look down, hiding my face and walk faster to avoid the boys I have no time for. I pretend to block the sun with my arm to cover my face more. I approach the two guys a little closer and I hear their voices. 

"Chiara?" I hear Chris. I look up to him and he looks shocked. I give a single nod to condirm it's me.
"I thought you weren't coming back. You live In Italy now, right?" He questions yet it's polite. Why is he being nice? He probably wants something.
"Uh it's complicated." Is all I manage to say.
"What happened? Did you and Roman break up?" Ben asks.
"It's Romeo. And yeah, I guess?" I shrug, brushing past them.

"Wait Chiara..." Ben asks softly. I turn around a whisper a yeah. 
"Are you safe?" He continues. I stop immediately and loom at his eyes. He's genuinely filled with concern. "Chiara?" 
"I- I uh. I should go." I start walking back to the hotel.

The two boys look at eachother and I get a few feet ahead of them and I hear their footsteps behind me. I walk faster, scared they have a plan to hurt me. Their footsteps get louder and I realise they're a meter or 2 behind me. I've turned left twice and I see the hotel in view. I turn around one last time and Ben and Chris are looking up to the hotel and back at me.

"You're staying at a hotel?" Chris asks.
"I'm planning to if you aren't kidnapping me." I bite.
"We're not kidnapping you Chiara-" 
"We're trying to make sure you're safe." Ben cuts Chris off. 

"You should go. I need to sleep in an actual bed tonight?" I roll my eyes.
"What do you mean an actual bed?" Chris is quick to ask. Rolling my eyes again, I walk in and make my way to the front desk. A middle age women looks up from her computer and greets me.

"Hi I want to book a room?" I say sweetly.
"Yes of course! Name please?" She replies back soft.
"Chiara Smithers." She nods at my response.
"Okay room 205." She hands me a keycard and I give a thankful smile.

I take a quick glance but I don't see the boys. I look to my left and they're talking to the same women. Oh god. I'm going to get murdered. I pace up to the lift and wait for the doors to open. Luckily, it's empty so I can get in quick. I press the button for the 15th floor since this isn't that tall of a hotel. The elevator dings and the door opens. 

I rush out and walk to the left. Looking at each of the numbers on the door I finally come across door 205. Using my keycard, the door unlocks and I sigh as I finally flop down on the bed. I kick my shoes off and scoot my body upwards so my head lands on the pillow. I close my eyes, finally able to relax.

*knock knock knock*

"Chiara we need to talk." Ben and Chris' voice boom. I urge myself to get up and walk over to the door.
"If you forgot, you guys bullied me in high school. I move, come back here and now you're being nice. Can't you see why I don't want to talk to you?" I say in a single breath.
"Yeah, we get that. But we know someone who knows you're back. We- we didn't believe it." Chris sighs.

"If you say Harry. I've already seen him." I roll my eyes.
"It is Harry." Ben quickly says.
"What?" My eyes flash up quickly.

"Let us in, we'll speak." Ben says with a sad smile.
"Okay." I move out of the way of the door to let them in. They go straight to the bed and I give them a cold glare before they could even touch my bed.

"Speak." I demand.

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