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I walk through each and every isle, deciding on a colour paint to use. I'm torn between a pure grey and a blue-ish grey colour. I hold the paint in each of my hand, biting my bottom lip whilst thinking how I want my room to look. I choose the blue-ish grey since it seems a bit more summery and I hope that makes me a little happier. I browse around a little bit, picking up a few decorative ornaments and place them in a basket. 

I make my way to the till and place my items down. The cashier gives me a look and smiles sweetly. She scans my items and I wait patiently with my card in hand. I pay  and pack my items.
"Decorating huh?" She looks over my face.
"Yeah." I say with a shrug.
"Hey. It will get better." She says with a sad smiled.
"How'd you know?" I question.
"Your face. You don't make eye contact and you just seem down." She says genuinely. I give her a half smile and make my way out.

The paint becomes heavy and I lay my bag down on a bench. I try to rearrange my items in my arms so it's easier to hold. I sigh as I juggle with everything. I hear a person shouting hey but I ignore it, expecting no one to speak to me.
"Hey." The person is beside me. I look up and see the woman from the cashier.
"Hey?" I'm confused.
"Can you carry all that? It seems like you're struggling. How you getting home?" She asks, picking up the paint.
"Thanks... um I'm walking." I say nervously.
"I can walk with you? Carry the paint?" She asks with a smile.
"Um... if you want to?" I don't really know what to say.

Her face breaks out into a smile and I give a thankful smile. She carries the paint and I carry everything in the bag.
"I didn't catch your name." The woman says sweetly.
"Chiara. Yours?" 
"Chloe." She sticks her arm out and I shake it willingly.

I walk the way to my house and neither of us speak until Chloe opens up.
"What brings you here?" 
"Louisiana or the store." I laugh awkwardly.
"I was born here, went to Italy this summer and came back." I leave out all the details. "As for the store... I guess I just need something new?" I shrug.
"What happened in Italy. Sounds like it broke you." She jokes, it's true. It did break me.
"Um... it's complicated." I don't want to talk about it, not to a stranger.
"You can tell me anything. I'm new around here so I don't know anyone. It would be nice to have a friend." She sends a smile my way.
"Oh right."

I tell her pretty much all of it. How I went to Italy to meet my Dad, and get away from my Mom. How Rose became my best friend. How Romeo became my boyfriend. How everything was amazing. Then how mom forced me back here. Chloe apologised... which I didn't understand. Why would she apologise if she had nothing to do with it. 

I arrive at my house and go to open the door. It's unlocked so I guess my Moms home. I place my bag in the hallway floor and move to the side so Chloe can place the tub down. 
"Thanks Chloe. I appreciate it." 
"Yeah no problem! Um... can I get your number and maybe we can hang out?" She exclaims.
"I don't have a phone. Not yet at least... I'll have one soon. I'll come by the store again and exchange numbers." I lower my voice so my mom doesn't hear.
"Oh right. See you round Chi." She waves and leaves.

Chi. I was only ever called Chi in Italy. It made me think of Romeo. I just wish I told him I love him. I do. I really love him. It was selfish to think he could live without me. And it was selfish of me to think I can live without him. As much as I'd like to think I can move on, I don't think I can. I run my hands through my hair until I hear my mothers voice.

"Chiara! Who was that?" My moms voice shouts through the hallway.
"Just someone who helped me drop these things off from the shop. No one really." I shrug.
"Ok. So it wasn't that boyfriend of yours." She scoffs when she says boyfriend.
"No. I have no way of talking to him remember, you took my phone!" I'm surprisingly calm when I speak.

She rolls her eyes like a teenage and walks away. 'So much as a mother' I mutter under my breath. Luckily she didn't hear me. I pick up my things and before I even reach the first stair, my Mom is behind me.
"We're going to the Hunt's for dinner. Dress nice and don't be rude." She says before whisking away again.

No way. I am not going to dinner sitting in a room with Harry. And his Dad. Chris and Ben told me that my mom has been with Harry's dad and I hate that. My mom and Harry. Not a good mix for me. God knows what would happen if they moved in- No! I can't even think about it. I would move out ASAP.

Grabbing a paint brush I had bought, I crack open the paint lid and dip the brush in. 

Here we go. A new start I suppose.


I've finished painting and I take a step into the middle of the room to take a look. I like it. It feels fresh and it's just what I need. I flop onto my bed and let out a deep breath. Closing my eyes for some peace, I let out a sigh. Until my mom storms in, it was so nice.

"Chiara! I told you to get ready. I don't need to tell you twice do I?" She raises her voice.
"Ugh I'm going to now! Can a girl not rest." I sigh, exhausted with her attitude.
"Be quick. We are leaving at 6. You have an hour." She leaves me in peace.

I grab a towel and hop in the shower. I just know this is going to be a long night. 

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