Chapter Eleven

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I don't know which direction my life is taking right now. I'm a mess, i am always In my room, the only time I go out is when I go to school or meet up with the guys for the mission ahead and thanks to that, because it's the only reason I haven't lost my mind yet.

My life used to be. Okay If I can say that. Until Bella got married. Everything took a drastic turn. I dont know for what, good or bad. Her getting married to Travis kind of unleashed people's true colors. I know I have been a fucked up friend to her, but I have been doing my best so she doesn't fund out the truth. Travis has a fucked up way of doing things, but I know it's because he's scared his past is catching up with, and it's near.

I go and take a shower, but before I do, my phone indicates a new message. I ignore it and continue preparing for my shower. I stand under the water letting it fall all over me. I feel the shower door open, I look and immediately her before she comes in. I stop the water and turn around, she turns around also walks. Back to my room.
I wrap a towel and walk out took. I head straight to the closet and grab a fresh pair of clothes. She's sitting on my bed, hasn't said anything and neither have I. I dress up and head outside, and she follows behind. I can see my parents sitting on the couch.

"go there, I'll be back" she looks at me like I'm crazy but goes right ahead. I can hear my parents asking her questions and she's answering. They have only met one or few times so they know her. But we are about to drop a bomb on them. I'm not prepared, but it has to be done.
I pour myself some whisky and gulp it down then head back to the lounge with a glass of orange juice for Lexy.

I hand it to her and I sit besides her. She might think I don't care, but I do. "mom I have something to tell you"
They both looked at me. The wayy father looked at me, i think he could almost tell what I wanted to say.

"Lexy is pregnant, and it's my baby" I saw my mother smiling, my dad drawing some breath. Well... That was easy.
"congrats I guess" said my dad. I know I let him down, but things happen and welll, here we are.
I watched my mom and Lexy goosh over the baby issue, they were happy, I was happy, but not completely because I know my happiness would be short-lived.

"come" my father patt me on the back and walked out, I stood up and followed him. When we go to the garden, he sat down on the bench facing Bellas window.
"talk to me, what's wrong?" I looked at him and bit my bottom lip because I didn't want to cry, I am overwhelmed with emotions. I'm about to do exactly what I hated Rose for doing.

"Lukas, I can't help if you don't talk to me, please say something"

"I... I.. Fuck!" I stood up and ran to the house, he ran after me calling my name, both my mother and Lexy stood up when I barged inside running. I grabbed the first set of keys and ran outside. It's lexys car. I get in and drive out.
Tears streaming down my eyes, I  take a left turn and get on the highway. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out of my pockets, because my vision is blurry, I try to squint my eyes and see who's calling me. I cant make out exactly who it is, a car honks at me, making me jump up making the phone fall, I bend down to get it, and another car honks, I reach the tip of my fingers and swipe answer.

"Luu!" my heart stops a beat, I can Tell that she has been crying, I haven't seen her in a week, I know we made up so her not coming to school In a week should be suspicious but - "Lukas, can you hear me.... I need-" peeeeeeeeeeee- I try to dodge the coming truck while calling out to Bells because I want her to know that I'm listening. But my brakes don't work, I try and try but nothing, I try to dodge and steer in another direction but the steering wheel is locked, and so are the doors. What the fuck. It accerates all on its own driving exactly towards the car, there's nothing I can do but drive exactly into the coming truck, I accept my fate, this is how I'm going to die, but before I can drive into it, another one comes and hits me on my side, causing the car to fly and jump off the bridge, when it lands, it rolls and rolls and rolls I don't know how long it rolled for because it was lights out.


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