𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 ?

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Damon's plane had landed a while ago he was now in a taxi pulling up to this big creepy ass building. He frowned, "What is this?" he thought to himself. When the cab finally stopped, in front of the huge brick building, The cab driver practically kicked him out of it. When Damon got out the taxi was already around the corner before could so much as close the door.

"There is no way this place was worth that much effort," Damon muttered to himself laughing slightly.

When he made it to, what looked like, the front entrance to the building he pulled it open. When he made his way inside. A chill washed down his spine and not from the cold more like a bad feeling. The halls were empty and the only thing you could here was the squeaking of the heaters or the ticking of the clock.

"Oh hell no." Damon said as he turned around and a beeline towards the door. He was going to have to find Caroline and Bonnie another way because this one is not it. Just as he was about to reach for the door handle he was snatched back. He turned around ready to kick this persons ass for touching him like that. Well that was before he seen the big boulder built ass person in front of him.

His eyes went wide. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" The huge man asked Damon.

"Well I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore. Nice to make your acquaintance. And to answer your question I walked threw those doors right there. I'll just be on my way. Wrong building." Damon smirked and shrugged before trying to make a quick get away. 

The mans eyebrows raised at the familiar last name. "Oh no you don't!" The man said grabbing Damon's arm and dragging him to the front office. Damon groaned trying to make the man let go of him. He had an iron grip on Damon's arm making it that much harder for him to get away. 

When they made it to the front office the man carelessly tossed Damon into one of the seats in front of the lady that was there at the moment. She had her hair pulled back into a tight bun while wearing a skirt suit as her face had a stern look plastered on it as if she did not have time for him or his antics. She looked to be in her early twenties though.

"Who are you?" She asked Damon. That's when Damon remembered his father telling him something about giving the front desk person a letter. He pulled the white envelope out of his bag and handed it to her. He watched as she cautiously opened it and pulled the neatly folded white piece of paper out before she started scanning over the words. He watched as a smirk slowly made its way across her face before she started tapping away on her computer.

Not long after a white sheet of paper slid out of a printer beside her. She snatched the paper out and handed it to the man with a nod.

"Have a good day Damon." She said smirking at him. He scrunched his face and look at her one more time before throwing his hand up in a wave and following the man who was gesturing for him to follow him.

Meanwhile Caroline and Bonnie had just made it to history class with Elena. They just so happened to luck up with being in the same class. They chose two empty seat empty seat in the front beside Elena, before setting their bags on the floor. They could here whispers about them being the new girls but quite frankly they didn't care. 

"I'm so glad we just so happened to be in the same class I don't know what I would have done if I were in here by myself," Caroline announced once they were situated.

"Me too. I hate being the new girl. People just stare at you." Bonnie said with a shiver.

"You'll get used to it soon enough. But its always good to have back up. You know. with all the sharks lurking about." Elena stated making Caroline and Bonnie laugh slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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