Chapter 43

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Ryan's POV

Going back to work felt strange today. I'm used to having time off in between projects but we've been here for the trial going through a lot of emotions, it feels surreal to walk around the studios. Ella stayed home to study with Max keeping an eye on her. She hasn't said much about her feelings toward the news of Jake's suicide attempt but I know she called her friends. Although we slept, being able to be with her felt good, peaceful even, through the chaos we walked into yesterday.

Everyone had time to get to know each other since they started a few weeks ago making me feel like the outcast at first. But as the day goes on, I get to talk to most of them helping me feel more comfortable. Ella's help paid off and I was able to nail the scene in 2 shots only, earning me praises from the director. I felt like Dennis was nervous having me start so late but now he's smiling. "Alright, I didn't think we would get this done right away. We can move on to the next scene, are you ready?" he says. "Yes, let's do it!" I reply.

The second scene had a lot of action where I had to run around and fight some people. Thank god I never stopped exercising and training for those scenes. At least no dialogue was involved. A few hours later I was asked to change clothes for a photo shoot. Knowing we're behind on schedule, he asked for a photographer to snap pictures so they can work on promotional pictures right away. Lindsey my new co-star playing my love interest meets me during the session for us to take pictures together. We both have to switch outfits twice to satisfy the photographer. Our trailers being farther down the path, booths were set up for us to change. I notice Cooper eyeing Lindsey when she comes out of the booth. She's a pretty girl, tall, blonde, blue eyes and she seems friendly. I'm amused when he stands to the side while we take more pictures, he's watching her with his mouth opened.

"This project will be your favorite, yeah?" I tease him when we're finally done. "What?" He looks confused. "You enjoyed looking at Lindsey. You're still drooling, man!" I laugh. "She's stunning!" His eyes go bright as we walk to meet with Dennis again. "I'll try to see if she's single," I tell Cooper.

The director only had good words to offer stating he's very impressed with my professionalism and dedication. We agreed on a schedule involving long hours to make sure we catch up but also making sure we don't have to extend the frame that was first mapped out. Emma's due date is right after we're scheduled to be done here meaning I must work my butt off. He finally lets me go after confirming we will do more scenes without dialogues giving me a chance to learn my lines for next week. He figured I'd be too exhausted to learn any tonight.

"Ryan, do you have a minute?" Lindsey calls for me.

"Sure," I smile noticing Cooper's cheeks being red.

"I know it's late so I won't take too much of your time, I just wanted to formally introduce myself since we just took pictures without really talking earlier. So, hi, I'm Lindsey. Looking forward to meeting your wife too, she's beautiful," she shakes my hand.

"Well, hi, I'm Ryan. Ella should eventually come around, she's been studying, keeping her busy. Are you with anyone?"

"Oh, no. I went through a bad breakup a few months ago. He cheated with my ex-costar! So yeah... I'm single," she rambles on.

"I'm sorry to hear that. By the way, here's Cooper, my bodyguard, also single," I move for him to shake her hand. Both of them stare into each other's eyes, blushing. She tells us good night although she's only looking at him, not that I mind. I'm happy to see him possibly liking someone.

The ride home is spent with me teasing him about her. He's been single for a while, as far as I know, he hasn't even hooked up with anyone. It's time for him to let go. Even if it doesn't lead to anything serious, two single people should sometimes have fun and enjoy their time together. I'm already plotting ways to get them to talk again. The studios are protected meaning he doesn't need to stand by my side all day long, he could spend time with her in between takes.

Ella had food ready for us as usual even though she had dinner with Max earlier. He's playing a game while she studies when we sit with them on the couch. "How was your day?" she asks. "Good! Ask Cooper about my costar," I snicker. "Ryan! Fuck off, respectfully!" he flips me off. "What did I miss?" Max asks. I fill them on details about Lindsey and how Cooper drooled all over the place before blushing when he got to talk to her. "Ella, we have to go with them tomorrow, we have to hook our boy up!" Max is enthusiastic. Cooper hides his face, embarrassed. "Did you guys want to play one game before we call it a night?" Max asks trying to take the focus away from Cooper. "Only one, I have another long day ahead," I grab the controllers before sitting back on the massive couch. Ella lays with her head on my lap holding onto a pillow complaining about bad cramps.

We're heading to bed when my mum rings me. Surprised I pick up. She goes on and on about a mysterious call she got about a guy telling her she stole money from him. Mum is nervous saying she had changed her number but it might be the same person that was calling before. The whole thing sounds bizarre. I beg her to report it to the police.

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