part 5

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~Previously ~

You and the other's hear a twig snap and jumped on all fours. You orange hair popped out on you arms and legs


Wolf "something's wrong " kipo said "yeah, you're pointing a nightmare stick at a tiny pig. How do you expect the poor thing to react?" you then responded said " yeah kipo, there's something wrong and it's not that wolf's pointing her staff at Mandu"

Then Mandu runs away. wolf said " I am not the one that spoke her" then you see that frog from earlier. He was yelling " oh, burrow girl! I figured out where you're from" he jumps off the car he was riding in and continue talking "shocker.... a burrow! You could lead us to the mother loads of humans." Then he spits out his tongue it's a bush and then pulls up Mandu. Mandu squid loud and when he caught Mandu. 

He almost got us then the frog said "oh, it's just a pig" kipo gasp and then the frog continue to say " eh, at least now we have a snack." Then kipo whispered "no!" Mandu squealed for dear life.

Kipo whispered yelled" I won't let them take her." Then wolf grabs kipo and says " and risk our necks for a mute. See,this is why, I work alone " while they were arguing you quickly ran out of your hiding spot and said to the frog's "can i have the pig back" you said with  a calmed voice but glared a little at the frogs direction and with a pissed of voice he said " burrow girl, there you are" he said well turning around then said " wait your that other kid " then he chuckled and said " well if your here the burrow girl isn't that far away then they pulled out weapons then you felt the fur on you legs and arms and you were thinking 'thank God I am wearing long sleeves and pants'.

Then frogs laugh sinisterly then you went on all fours ready to fight then to get Mandu back then you noticed kipo and wolf stopped arguing and realize you just started a fight with the frog's. wolf pulled kipo away to the opposite direction an ran off, but you did really care you were to pissed off at the moment then the frog spoke up and said " aww looks like you so called friends abandon you "

You grind your teeth hard were your jawline was  more visible. The he yelled in pain cause Mandu bit him and he was yelling and screaming and you took that as a chance to grab Mandu and run then when the frog was done yet he realized you and the pig were running away then they got in the car and started chasing after You but you were to fast for them to catch you.

Then you saw kipo and wolf on bikes. you hopped on kipos bike and switch places with her and you started biking fast and you grabbed wolf cause you were going to go faster and almost leaving wolf, after you grabbed her you zoomed away out of sight from the frogs. the frogs were very confused at how fast you were to out run them.

They started speeding up to catch up to you, then you made a sharp turn and bike down stairs the frog you saw at the tower and jumped after you guys and spit out his tongue and jumped from lamppost to lamppost. Kipo gasp that he was getting close and there was a lampost that was knocked down wolf then back flipped and stung the man with a scorpion staff and they slide down he was knocked out because of the venom on wolf's staff.

I stopped and when kipo saw the frog on the ground she gasp and ask " is he dead" you said " no" wolf said " but when he wakes up he'll have a bad headache and possibly memory loss".

Then wolf hopped on the bike and you biking away, as you were biking , wolf said "how did you run so fast I wasn't able to catch up to you and with the bike and you grabbed me and sped away, how can you be that fast ?" She looked at you suspiciously, you couldn't tell her why because you don't really know and would have to explain about the fur.

So you just said " I don't know, maybe I just have good stamina" she then ask "why did you go on all fours then?" She glared at you and we're trying not to show how nervous you are so you keep calm and said " I don't know why but it's just seen more easier to fight in that stance" she nodded and kipo ask " you did have that speed before or good stamina you were always tried back at the burrow?" you responded said "maybe I just adapted to the surface, I guess" you said the last part in a little nervous tone you then came upon a abandoned house you quickly bike up to the stairs and into the house then you jump off and slammed the door then kipo and wolf bring a couch and a bookshelf to block the door, kipo then spoke up and said "normally at night me and y/n would be doing homework but most likely y/n would be napping instead of doing homework " you then said well bring carried a table to block the door, "hey sitting in class can be very tiring".

Then you all huffed and kipo continued and said " and eating a muffin. Not running away from homicidal frog's!" Then wolf shush people by putting her hand over her mouth then kipo looked at were wolf was looking and you felt a little mad that wolf put her hand on kipos but brushed It off, then you hear the same frog from earlier say " oh... Oh, my head. I- wait a minute, why are you following me?" The the other frog said "uh, jamack were look for those humans." Then jamack said "oh, yeah, right.yeah just ...duh. let get back to that then." The wolf takes her hands off give us mouth and kipo said " whew! Since we're had our first fight and makeup, that makes us officially sisters." Then wolf said " Don't." Then kipo said " uh, right." Then you all heard a baby cry. You then all look at each other confused.

To be continued

Kipo age of the wonderbeasts (Under Editing/on hold)Where stories live. Discover now