chapter 32

420 11 31


warning: blood

you were laying in bed, it wasn't your bed but it felt like it. your arms were wrapped around someone warm and the sun was shining right through your eyelids. you felt like you were light and airy. so free, you didn't want to open your eyes, but you did. when you opened them, you saw something better, the person you loved staring back at you. spencer brought his hand up to your forehead and ran his fingers through your messy bed head. you giggled softly and so did he with his perfect hazel eyes on your e/c ones. his touch was so warm and soft. his familiar scent of coffee and old books making you want to fall back asleep.

his laugh came out so muffled though, but you swore you could feel the vibrations of his laughter through his chest. everything was so bright, even the bedsheets you were in, so white it was almost blinding.

such a bright morning sun you thought to yourself.


you took one big breath and came back to reality. agony. is how you would describe how you were feeling if you felt like you could talk. you had whiplash in your neck and your chest felt crushed. you felt light headed and you had lost some feeling in one of your legs. it was stuck somewhere but it hurt. you opened your eyes but instantly squinted again something bright shining right at you. you began to wake up fully again, you didn't know where you were or why the hell you were upside down. you pressed your hand to your forehead and saw warm blood on your fingers.

you groaned as you came back to your senses and aware of the pain that somehow radiated throughout every part of your body. your head felt cramped but you could see that the reason you had not fallen was because of your seatbelt and the steering wheel in front of you. you didn't even know where or why you were driving in the middle of the night. you began to panic, feeling your heart rate increase when you turned to your right and saw spencer against the seat next to you, out cold.

you broke into sobs, your heart shattering over and over when you called his name and he wouldn't answer. there was a lot more blood on his face and  glass had fallen from the window onto his side of the car. he looked so limp it was terrifying. the only thing supporting his body was the seatbelt.  .his side of the car  was totally dented inwards.

this was all my fault you thought to yourself. you were clearly the one driving, and now he was injured and  it was all your fault. you didn't want to even think that he could be dead, you were definitely panicking but the thought of his life being over was nearly inconceivable.

you went to move your right arm to reach for him but your shoulder hurt like a bitch, it was your bad one and it could barely move. you could use your elbow movement but there was no way you could make that reach. you use your left hand and shakily try to unbuckle your seatbelt. trying to take deep breaths  in between sobs. you struggle a bit but luckily it wasn't jammed and you could push it off your body. you lean over with all your weight on your right leg because something was wrong with your left but you couldn't pay attention to it right now. you used your left hand to try and unbuckle his seatbelt so that maybe you could drag his body out of here and get help but it was stuck. something in it broke and you couldn't get in the right position to figure it out. you began to feel so helpless but you didn't give up. you just kept pressing and pressing it. crying and panting for him to wake up, just so you could be sure he could be okay, apologizing profusely for what you had done though you knew it would never be enough.

you checked your console and a bunch of miscellaneous items fell out but you were right, you had scissors in here. you didn't know how long it took but you just kept cutting away at the leather on the belt until it gave, which it fortunately did. you twisted your body so that you were stomach face down and your feet faced the front car window. you used all the force you had in you right leg and kicked the already partially cracked window. the glass shattered behind you and you wrapped your arms around spencer's limp body to try and extract the both of you from the car. you didn't know how you mustered the strength, maybe it was the adrenaline but you were able to tug him out of the seat. you had a half a right mind to know that you needed to keep his back straight as much as you could because you had no idea what spinal injuries might have occurred. your body made a three-legged crawl through the car window, dragging along the broken glass,  giving yourself many surface level wounds but you barely felt it. you were in pain with every move you made but you were able to finally drag him back onto the road. it looked like you guys were on a freeway and you had his body laid flat on the gravel road.

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