Chapter 1

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Woken by the sound of car horns and police sirens, I can hear my sister Selma calling my name.

"y/n you're still asleep, I thought you had work at 7:00 PM today?"

I look out the window, the sun is down, and the night is in full swing.

"Shit what time is it??" I ask my little sister.

"It's 7..." she answers. Of course, she only thought to wake me at the time I should be at work -___-

"Oh, wooowwwww so helpful thanks sis..."

"No problem" she says with a smirk.

She gets way too much enjoyment out of my hectic life. Not that I mind it, sure does make life interesting. Living in NYC trying to make ends meet to support her through college is crazy enough but it's worth it. She's my best friend and seeing that our parents can't be here to help I will do everything I can to make her dreams come true. At least she made me coffee. I can smell it as I put my clothes on. I throw my hair up in a ponytail. I run to brush my teeth and grab my thermos.

"Thanks, I'll probably be back late so don't wait up. You have class early tomorrow."

The bar closes at 3 AM on Thursdays, the weekends are insane for me, but the tips really do rack up. I take out my phone to let my boss know I'm a "little bit" late... he didn't answer, shit. I ran to the subway, thought maybe I shouldn't drink this coffee and pass it off to my boss, maybe it will lighten the mood. Only time he doesn't answer is when he's extremely busy or in a snippy mood. Either one is not good. I'm here! Only an hour late not bad, I say to myself, gotta make the best of it right? The bar is full. I can see a bartender's arms taking cash through the crowd. I make my way through, crawl under the counter.

"You're fucking late on a Thursday?! Come on now y/n! I need you to be more dependable!" Byeongkwan yells in my ear over the loud EDM music. 

Sheesh if looks could kill... I would be 6 feet under ...

"I know! I know, sorry BK. I've been working doubles all week! It got the best of me... here, I brought you some coffee take a break I'll clear this counter in no time! Trust me!" I yell over the loud music and orders being yelled out to us, helpless souls.

His face softens a bit... I think...? I can't say exactly, he kinda scares me. BK takes the thermos and walks away.

A few hours go by, the crowd has calmed down. I step in the back to catch a break.

"Thanks for the ice coffee. It's exactly what I needed, and sorry about earlier if I upset you. I know you've been working really hard; I was just stressed. The only reason I'm hard on you is because I know what you're capable of. To be honest you are one of the most dependable employees I have." Bk stated as he passed me a bottle of water.

This is weird. Why is he being nice? wait, was that a compliment? He's usually all business. Maybe he cracks a joke here or there but an apology?? What drugs is he on??

"Drugs?? I'm not on drugs!" He laughs and shakes his head.

"I guess I said that out loud, shit".

"I have no issue apologizing when I'm wrong okay."

"The thing is you never know when you're wrong." I mutter.

There she goes again she always has something to say. Can't she just take the apology? No of course not.

"Get back out there, the guys need help"

There's the BK I know... I have been dismissed. But what was that about, he laughed?? With me??? I must admit it was refreshing, his smile... the way his eyes curved with it. He was beautiful. I mean I knew he was good looking but at that moment he was stunning. I head back out to the loud atmosphere.

"What the hell got you blushing? you look like a little girl." Adri said.

"Am not! it's hot as balls in here!" I yell back at her.

"Mmhmm." she sneered.

Was I really blushing? Now is not the time to be thinking about this, back to work...

The weekend continued as per usual. As the days went by, I noticed how attentive BK was. When he saw me struggling to carry in the inventory, he sent me inside to handle other matters instead. He was wearing the usual white tee, and skinny jeans. With the heavy crates and kegs, he lugged back and forth he built up a sweat quickly. I watched as his shirt started to stick to his back... holy crap he's ripped! I knew he was fit but honestly, looking now I never saw such a muscular back. I've been working here for a year, how come I never noticed? Made me wonder about the rest of his body... I grabbed the hose from the sink, as he stood up from placing the crate down, I sprayed him with water.

"Wtf Y/n! shut if off!!!!"

"Sorry I thought you would want to cool down..."

Am I insane?! Why did I do that?! OMG his abs!! His chest, what was he training for?? The Olympics??

"Y/n close your mouth you're drooling."

"What? Oh" I feel my face turn hot and I turn away.

He started to laugh then sighed.

"It was actually quite refreshing, so thank you. Now, go tally up those bottles, I don't need to be short when the weekend rush starts."

"Yessir!" I turn back to face him.

He did a double take. I didn't realize I wasn't looking at his face until that moment, his body was amazing though! I really have to get my mind out of the gutter... but he's in his twenties, owns a bar, has a body of a GQ model and he's single? How could that be possible? Maybe he is dating someone.

"Hey Adri, is Bk seeing anyone?"

"I just walked in, seriously? Hello to you too Y/n." she says shaking her head.

"Sorry, but it's just I never seen him with a girl like that, is he you know, on the other team? I've seen hang out with the same group of guys on occasion, but you have known him the longest. Tell me."

"Haha he's not the one that's gay. He's just driven. This place is his everything, the previous owner entrusted it to him. So, I just think he hasn't thought about dating anyone seriously. And those guys are his best friends; the five of them are rarely apart. You met Junhee, Chan, and Donghun before, we all are pretty close since we came from Korea together."

"Interesting." I reply, looking down.

"Oh, interested, now are we??", she asks with a wayward smile.

"I didn't say THAT, I just said his story seems interesting."

"I'm watching you y/n.", she says pointing her finger at me.

"Relax woman I'm here to work not date my boss okayy."

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