Chapter 3

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I wake up around 11, That's early for me. Usually I'm like a vampire, working at the bar has flipped my sleep schedule, but I'm used to it by now. I walk into the living room to see the girls sprawled out: Yan's hanging halfway of the couch. If her foot was any lower it would land in Selma's mouth who's laying on the floor with a million blankets. Then we got CeCe sleeping in a chair practically sitting up. How the hell does she do that. I giggle to myself, I'm glad they had fun. I quietly make some coffee and head back to my room.

Grabbing a sweater, I head out to the fire escape. It's a beautiful day, I don't have to work till 7 so maybe I should go for a run... or I could finish that drama I been putting off. That sounds more like it, I smile to myself.

Just then my smile vanished. I squat down as if to hid behind the thin bars. Is that Kwannie walking out of the building across the street with a girl? I know he doesn't live in that building. And she looks like she just woke up. I watch while feeling devastated, she's smiling while she hugs him. I feel disappointment creep in as he settles into his cab, she waves him off goodbye...

Did I just see BK go home from his girlfriend's apartment? Seriously? I just thought that I might have feelings for this guy and now this. Only to find out he's dating someone... or being a manwhore. Maybe that's his thing: one-night stands, oh no. 

Well, what did Miss Forever Alone expect? I can't be in a relationship for more than three months or I fall for the unavailable type.

I liked it better when I thought he was gay... Maybe I should buy a cat, make it official. I dumped my coffee over the railing and head inside biting my lip. I roll myself up in my blanket and try to find that drama that I've been putting off.

".... Psst hey, wake up. Heeyyy, you're gonna be late."

"No screw it, I'll find another job" I fade back out...

"What do you mean?"

"I'll buy cats and sell them to the forever alone like me" I mumble...

"Would you get out of bed weirdo?"

"At least the cats are never alone."

"Sounds like you had the cat lady nightmare again."

"Okay... I'm going." I sit up pouting.

"I don't know why you're being weird, your boss definitely has a thing for you."

"No, he's a man- "

"Yes y/n, I know he's a man, that's the point."

"Oh, just forget it" I get out of bed and go in the bathroom to shower.

After the shower and changing clothes, I'm ready to go out, turning to my sister before that.

"Selma I'm leaving. I left some money on the counter; can you pick up some groceries? I was meaning to do it, but I fell asleep" I pull out the puppy eyes and pout.

"Yeah, no problem. But what's up with your face? you look hurt, are you hurt?" She pouts back at me.

"Quiet you!" I hit her playfully in the arm "You're such a butt sometimes!" I shake my head "okay, gotta go! Bye."

I sit on the subway, still two stops away. BK had a girlfriend. This whole time. Who would've thought? Not me. Maybe he can set me up with his friend; he is really handsome, more on the shy side but seems like a great guy. Especially how he was quick to support his friend last night, I liked that. I felt a smile appear on my face. I should ask Adri about him first.

"Hey girl! how you feeling, all better?" I ask Adri as she organizes the glasses.

"Yupp, can you handle the receipts from last night? looks like BK didn't close."

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