Chapter 2

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"Hey sis, I'm homeee!"

"Hey" she smiles looking over her laptop.

"Did you eat? how do you feel about Chinese? I'm craving Lo Mein!"

"Yeah sure, order me the same. I noticed you've been enjoying the coffee I have been making for you..."

I couldn't see her face behind the laptop and thank god, because I honestly can't tell her I haven't drank any of it. I keep passing it over to BK. The last time I didn't even offer he just took it as if he knew it was for him. Ugh...

"Yeah, it's great! Thanks, you been a big help lately" I reply with a nervous smile.  She closes her computer slightly.

"Really? You. Liked. It?"

"Yea of course" I say as I look away and try to cover my face with my phone. I continue ordering the food. I'm a terrible liar.

"Hmm, okay I'll keep making it for you" she says while smiling and continues typing away.

We put on a drama and settle on the couch with our food. I'm just about to take a bite and my phone rings. I pick up without looking at the caller ID and begin to eat.


"Hey Y/n, I got a favor to ask you" I hear the familiar voice through the phone. 

Ahh it's my boss, I shouldn't have answered... He continues speaking,

"I have to drop my friend Chan off at the airport, could you open tomorrow? Adri isn't feeling well she won't be in tomorrow"

"Oh, yeah, sure that's not a problem"

"Thanks, really. You been a big help lately"

"Sounds like it's time to ask for a raise"

"Don't push it"

"Well, at least I tried" I say and I heard him laugh.

"Hey, don't talk with your mouth full. You could choke like that, plus its rude"

"Sorry, I didn't realize" I giggle.

"Of course not, I'll see you tomorrow, bye"

"'Kay, bye"

"Who was that?" Selma asked.

"My boss, he needs me to open tomorrow" I answer.

"What! But we had plans! You said you would take me out I haven't been out since I turned 18, you promised" She's right how did I forget about this.

"Hey, how about you come with me? Why not invite a friend and you can hang at the bar? It gets lively I know you're not 21 but I don't think Byeongkwan would mind as long as you're not drinking." I say with not much thought to it. It'll be fine I think dismissively.

"Really?! Can I invite two friends?!" she asked excitedly.

"Fine, but as long as they don't cause trouble."

"Yay I'm so excited!" she hugs me while bouncing up and down and begins texting her friends.

The next day I head in early to open and prepare.

"Are you sure this place livens up? Looks pretty boring..." Selma says as she looks around observing the atmosphere.

"For sure it gets insane! Weekends he hires bouncers to stop it from getting overcrowded. Thank god it's Thursday" I explain, but Selma only sneers.

My BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora