A threat awakens (and Cynder reaches a milestone)

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In cloudcraker prison Kaos is in the middle of an escape plan
Glumshanks: Sir I don't believe we have enough spoons to get...and I stand corrected
Kaos: See spoons CAN break walls
Glumshanks: As always sir your perseverance is admirable
Kaos: Thanks Glummy
Glumshanks: Well let's get out of here
Kaos: Let's
5 hours later
Glumshanks: Sir where are we going
Kaos: I heard of some ancient ruins that an ancient is sealed in
Glumshanks: and his name is...?
Kaos: I don't know
Back with the skylanders and Malefor something happened to Cynder
Cynder: What is it, why are you both smaller?
Stealth-Elf: You have um...doubled in size
Cynder: Oh...
Malefor: And happy birthday Cyndie
Cynder: Thanks dad
Spyro: Wait today's your birthday?
Cynder: yeah today I turn 16
Malefor: and the fun part about being from a lineage of 2 royal dragons, 1 being her mother with all the powers of very dragon that ever existed, but I think that's due to selective breeding from royals, and me the dark dragon king, the growth spurts
Cynder: What?
Malefor: Each royal family is naturally MUCH larger than their subjects, and the fact that you have a lineage of 2 royals means that you may be larger than both me and your mother
Timotheos: I was the one in charge of designing the reptiles and that includes dragons, so I can confirm that that will be the case
Spyro: Holy shmmmmmmmm
Timotheos: I'm not that sneaky Spyro you were just ignoring my existence until I spoke
Stealth-Elf: Sooooooooooo, basically what your saying is that once Cynder is an adult she'll be the largest dragon in existence
Timotheos: Correct, and I believe Cynder should start training soon to unlock new abilities, the reason she hasn't unlocked any abilities is because she hasn't used her abilities until recently. Scale based abilities like spyro's invulnerability are unlocked by extreme levels of adrenaline, an example is Spyro's invulnerability being unlocked when he thought he was going to die from bombshells bombs
Spyro: Wait, how'd you know that
Timotheos: While the other ancients were sleeping in their tombs, I was awake watching the Skylands flourish
Spyro: So I assume when Cynder's mom...
Malefor: I should really tell you her name.
Cynder: what is it then?
Malefor: Her name was Edryn
Spyro: When Edryn awoke your body you went after us and found Dark Spyro's body?
Timotheos: Correct, now let's try to give Cynder a birthday she won't forget
Cynder: I don't think I'll forget this anytime soon
Timotheos: True  but I was thinking we hurry up to the dragon citadel we're not far
Malefor: Maybe I cam capture Edryn's heart once more
Timotheos: Probably not
Malefor: and why is that
Timotheos: She seemed pretty upset
Malefor: Wow
Timotheos: Although that probably isn't why, I heard her mumbling about stress and how she needed a break
Malefor: Hmm
Cynder: What are you thinking about?
Malefor: I was thinking about how different it'll be if I do manage to remarry your Edryn
Timotheos: She seemed to miss you actually
Malefor: Really?
Timotheos: Yeah she actually still had a picture of you on hand
Malefor: maybe my chances aren't so slim after all
Back with Kaos
Kaos: We've arrived Glummy
Glumshanks: Sir what are we doing back on Arkus
Kaos: We're looking for the tomb of Timotheos
Glumshanks: ok but why
Kaos: Legend says that he still resides inside along with an ancient relic said to be able to revive the dead
Glumshanks: Well then, that sounds interesting. How did you know that?
Kaos: I read it on the internet. Aah here it. Is?
Glumshanks: that tomb looks like it's already been opened
Glumshanks: Oh well time to count our losses and find if any treasures are left
Kaos: Good idea, Glumshanks go in there and find any treasure their is
Glumshanks: oh boy
Glumshanks: no need to yell sir
???: You who tries to enter here without permission shall be exterminated
Kaos: What are you
???: I am Ingvar
Kaos: Well Ingvar, is the relic still in there
Glumshanks: I think our priority should be to LIVE, not get a relic that probably isn't even there
Ingvar: The relic is missing
Kaos: Well I think I know who stole it
Ingvar: Who?
Kaos: The Skylanders

Skylanders Academy: Cynders FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now