First Day

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Queen Edryn: Cynder get up you need to get to school

Cynder: Five more minuetes

Queen Edryn: Don't pull that with me, get up

Cynder: Fine, I'm up

Queen Edryn: Good. Now the class you'll be taking today is fire with Spyro. It's in classroom 23 on floor 3, don't forget that.

Cynder: I won't mom

Queen Edryn: good, Trueno take her to school please

Trueno: OF course your grace

Cynder: Bye mom

Queen Edryn: Have fun
At the academy Cynder arrives at the class to see Spyro talking to a couple of dragons, one pink and one Red

Spyro: Hey Cyn

Cynder: Hi Spyro

Pink dragon: wow it really is the princess

Red dragon: Yeah, and she's beautiful too

Cynder: Who are they?

Spyro: The pink one's Ember, she's nice and wants to become a skylander like us

Ember: Wow, you two are skylanders? What does the queen think about that?

Cynder: I don't know, but I'm pretty sure she wants me to quit but is ok with Spyro continuing to be one

Spyro: The other one's Flame, he's really cocky

Flame: I AM the top of the class

Ember: But considering she's the princess, she'll at least surpass you in power, maybe not in grades

???: Alright class simmer down and let's introduce our new students, Spyro and the princess Cynder. Now my name is Ignitus

Cynder: Hello

Spyro: Hey

Ignitus: Now Cynder hasn't quite found her fire yet so today will be easy, let's help the princess find her fire. So let's head to this floors training ground

Cynder: What do you mean "...this floor's training ground"?

Ignitus: Each floor teaches a class of different elemental dragons, and as such each floor has a training ground

Cynder: Ok then

At the training ground

Ignitus: Ok so the first time is always the hardest, after that it's extremely easy. Now it's all in the breath

Cynder: Ok

As she takes deep breaths (it takes about a dozen lol) she gives a large exhale and breathes a stream of blue fire (The heat being roughly 5500 degrees Fahrenheit) at the training dummy, completely melting it and also may have set the surroundings on fire

Ignitus: Amazing Cynder, now since that was so quick, I have an assignment for you all. Now each dragon has 2 powers each, one defensive and one offensive, does anyone remember what both fire dragon abilities are?

Ember: Pyrokenesis and scale ignition

Ignitus: correct, now the assignment is to find how we ignite our scales

Cynder: Well then. Any ideas?

Spyro: None here

Ember: I actually believe that our scales secret a chemical that ignites when exposed to the air

Ignitus: Correct. Wow this went fast. Alright then let's try and ignite our scales

Most dragons including our main quartet do it with ease (Cynder's scales ignite with blue fire, once again lighting the room on fire), passing the assignment. The bell rings and everyone heads back to their homes. As Spyro and Cynder make their way home some of Cynder's scales start to fall off as the dragoness goes through a small growth spurt now roughly the same height as Eon. The scales that fell off revealed veins of blue lava around her neck and going all the way down to her tail's tip like Malefor's.

Spyro: Cynder, you're looking more intimidating by the day

Cynder: Sorry Spyro

Spyro: it's ok Cynder, it's just that your kinda intimidating, like your mom

Cynder: Let's just get to the castle

Queen Edryn: How was school?

Cynder: Very interesting

Edryn: How so?

Cynder: Turn around

Edryn: Oh... I see

Cynder: Yeah...

Malefor: She definitly looks regal

Spyro: Hey Elf, you've been really quiet since we got here

Stealth-Elf: I didn't really want to get involved in anything I shouldn't have

Malefor: Wise decision Stealth-Elf
Ingvar: I'm tired of waiting, let's just attack

Kaos: We start our attack, tomorrow

Skylanders Academy: Cynders FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now