The arrival

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Ingvar: The Skylanders? I have no record of them in my database
Kaos: Well that's because they're a SECRET organization of very dangerous criminals, and I can show you their base
Ingvar: Thank you for informing me, short big headed child
Back with the main group they arrive at the citadel to some... mild responses
Random dragon #1: THE DARK DRAGON KING HAS ARRIVED, ALERT THE GUARD!!!! Malefor: Wow... what a warm welcome.
Spyro: So I take it they know of you
Malefor: only as a monster that stole the princess
Cynder: So how will they believe I'm the princess?
Malefor: Magic here is much more powerful, they have spells that can detect heritage, if they don't believe you they can just use one of those
Royal guard member: HALT!!
Malefor: Ah, the welcoming committee
Royal guard member: State your purpose!
Malefor: To return the princess
Royal guard member: Malefor?
Malefor: The one and only
Timotheos: Wow real professional
Malefor: Shut up
Royal guard member: Bring them to the queen
Spyro: why don't they recognize you?
Timotheos: I'm in a different body idiot
Spyro: Ok
Queen Edryn: Malefor, you have a lot of nerve to come back after stealing Cynder from me
Malefor: Well she's here now
Queen Edryn: I don't have time for your sass, get to the point
Timotheos: If it matters, probably doesn't, earlier he was talking about the fact that he still loves you
Malefor: Shut up
Queen Edryn: If that is true, than you must prove it
Malefor: What?
Spyro: HA!!
Cynder: Spyro be quiet!
Queen Edryn: I assume your Cynder?
Cynder: that would be me
Queen Edryn: My how you've grown! I haven't seen you since you were a hatchling!
Cynder: Wow
Timotheos: Woah woah woah, you can't tell Malefor to prove that he loves you and then completely swap topics to Cynder
Queen Edryn: Give me a break I technically just met her
Timotheos: fair enough, now what did you have in mind my queen
Queen Edryn: Malefor, if you love me you will teach the undead class at the academy
Malefor: WHAT?
Timotheos: HA!!
Spyro: You have a magic academy?!
Queen Edryn: Yes we do and starting tomorrow you and your little friend will be attending it
Queen Edryn: Well then these classes will help you better protect it
Timotheos: So which class will Cynder take
Queen Edryn: All of them, with special tutoring form Malefor so she can master her dark powers as well
Malefor: She's already discovered her shadow dash.
Queen Edryn: Good, that will leave more time for me and her to get to know each other
Cynder: Really?
Queen Edryn: Yes, now it's getting late and you should all head to bed, Tim show Cynder and Spyro to their rooms. Malefor I'll show you tto yours
Timotheos: First off stop calling me Tim, and second I'm not your servant
Queen Edryn: Just do it
Timotheos: Fine
Kaos: This is their base
Ingvar: this doesn't seem secret to me
Kaos: Well um... it's constantly being moved around and stuff... hehe
Ingvar: Very well, to avoid having to relocate it we will begin our assault now
Kaos: Hold on, I think we should wait a week
Ingvar: Why?
Kaos: to learn about their weaknesses
Ingvar: Very well

Skylanders Academy: Cynders FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now