Chapter seven Taylors POV

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Damn, Angel was pissed. I don't understand why she's getting upset about something that happened years ago. The three of us got over it. Why is it just now coming out? My phone buzzed in my pocket.

A: meet me outside.

Me: r u going to kill me?

A: no. I'm sorry bout tht. Plz jus meet me out there.

Me: k. Give me a couple minutes.

A: k.

I closed out the message and wondered why she wanted to meet. She said she wasn't gonna kill me and I highly doubt she would lie to me. So something has to be up.

"Angel..." I started, but before I could finish she lunged at me. I didn't see it coming. Her fangs latched onto my neck and I screamed in agony. I tried to pay her off, but it only made her fangs sink deeper. I was starting to see spots. I couldn't believe she had lied to me. I blacked out.

Trevor's Pov

I was sitting in sixth period, wondering where Taylor was. He usually gets here before me. I sat down and waited. The late bell rang and I was getting worried. I asked to be excused and went to see if I could find him. I walked around campus, looking in the most obivous places he would be. Hell I even looked for him at his car to see if he had scored and was banging some chick brainless in his back seat. He was nowhere. I never thought to check the courtyard. But boy, did I wish I had.

Scott's POV

I waited for Angel outside her next class, thinking about whether or not I had any plans, and if she had mentioned whether she had any. I didn't have any and I sure don't remember her saying anything. So I figured we could hang out, that is if she wanted to. The bell rang, bringing me back to reality.

"Hey sweetie." I said, kissing her forehead.

"Hey!" She sighed. Something was up, but I decided to ask her when we got to her house.

"So are you doing anything today?" I asked intwining my fingers with hers.

"No. Why?" She asked cocking her head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at your place or mine." I asked shyly. I was always shy around her for some reason. I had no clue why, but it bugged the shit out of me.

"Sure. Do you wanna meet at me place in twenty?" She asked perking up.

"Why twenty minutes? It only takes you five to get home." I said suspicously.

"Cause I wanna get a shower." She said raising her eyebrow at me. "You seem tense. What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna go to Trevor's or Taylor's." I sighed.

"I'm done with them Scott. I told you that!" She said clenching her jaw.

"I know... I just... It's just hard for me to forget you know.... I love you but I just worry okay? I don't want to lose you and I certainly don't want you to get hurt," I sighed pulling her in for a long hug. She melted against me. She really still felt bad over Luna. I couldn't blame her.

Ever since Angel first moved here Luna was her friend. Seeing one without the other was weird. They were like peanut butter and jelly or even blood and vampires hardy har har.

Nicholas had heard about the fight and rushed to Luna, not letting either of them talk. He and I were going to have to talk, but he had alread taken Luna home. One of two things would happen while they were alone in Luna's private loft, either he would pick a random human on the street for her to kill or he would offer her his own blood. Proabaly the later. When a human freely gives their blood it gives both human and vampire a giant orgasm. It was sometimes better than sex, but like sex once you start its hard to stop. I was suprised Nicholas was still alive to tell you the truth.

"I will see you later okay?" Angel replied breaking away.

"Okay!" I sighed and walked to my car.

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